AI Content Detectors Question

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Hi All

With all that is happening with the various AI tools that can give you content ideas, layouts and for many, getting content created or AI-assisted content.

We know that over-abuse of using AI the wrong way has led to many pieces of content being taken down or devalued by Google especially due to over abuse.

I have a few questions to ask you.

What AI content detector do (if you do) use to check your content before publishing?

Do you have a favorite one?

Which do you find the most helpful to detect AI-written content?

Now many of us know that some AI detectors are imperfect and can still get it wrong or give a false response.

I have tried some old posts written many years ago way before AI came to the scene and ran some of my posts through some AI detectors with varying results.

I ran the same posts though with some saying it is human-written while others stated it is AI with a high AI score and some with mixed results of not sure.

I am curious to know your findings, and also which AI content detector have you found to be the most helpful and possibly most accurate.

Currently, I am using AI Content as Scale, and for the most part it is pretty good. Just wondering if you may have a better and more accurate one so to speak.

As always

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Totally agree with what others and yourself have said here Andre!!

I've tried Hemingway and Originality in the past, but... the results are just here, there and everywhere, and generally don't make any sense!!

Best not to use them at all in my opinion!

Enjoy the rest of your week my friend! :-)

Thanks Nick yes not that keen on the AI checkers but I do enjoy Hemingway Editor but don't use their AI features.

Enjoy the rest of your week as well

Thank you my friend.

Andre :)

You're most welcome Andre and very much appreciated my friend! :-)




Hi Andre

I don’t think AI content detectors are useful and I have tried many.

Like you, I ran a variety of things I had written through AI detection, way before AI was available, with many false positive results.
My wife always said that I write like a robot! Lol 😆

OpenAI sunset its own AI detector because it wasn’t able to reliably identify content written by ChatGPT.

We are to the point now where some writers are afraid to use a metaphor or cliche in their content for fear that it will be viewed as AI-generated!

Let’s not let AI rob us of our creativity and unique identity.

Rock On! 🤘🎹
Frank 🎸

I agree with your comments Frank. We all have a uniqueness.

Thanks, Bux! 😎

Rock On! 🤘
Frank 🎸

Miss American Pie is floating around my head right now.
Feeling good.
Hope you are too.

Great song, Bux! 👍👍

Brings back great high school and college memories! 😎

Frank 🎸

Golden days

Or maybe even platinum! 😎😎

👍 indeed.

Thanks Frank and I agree they are not as great as they make out. Feel sorry for those that still paid for such rubbish.
In the end, it all comes back to the basics of being yourself and to your readers that will help them.
Regardless if we may sound robotic at times even in life.
That is why musos can be creative and unique in their own way and those that appreciate will enjoy it all.

So let's keep rocking regardless. 🎸🤘

Andre 🎹

Hi Andre

Yeah, we are lucky we have our music to help feed our creativity! 👍👍

Keep On Rockin’ 🤘🎹
Frank 🎸

Very True Frank.
When we accept and enjoy the music ,regardless of the genre it becomes our music to the soul in many ways.

So lets keep on rocking as always 🤘🎸

Andre 🎹

Well, personally, I have not been checking my post with any AI detectors. What I have been doing is making sure I introduce my voice into the text. My content is almost all indexed in google.

That is good to hear and as you bring yourself into the posts for your readers you will go from having your posts indexed to ranking on the search engines.

Wishing you well


Interesting thread, Andre! I like the comments others have shared.

I just got this from Grammarly the other day (jpg attached). I have not tried it yet, but I find it interesting that this is becoming a thing.

Yeah many people were using it not as much here from what we have seen. But as all agree not worth it.
Best to be yourself and original.

Enjoy your day and rest of the week ahead.

Thanks, Andre, you too!

You are most welcome and thank you for your comments and image.


Andre :)

My sentiments very much align with Jay from magistudios, below.
For now, I can tell if an article is unmodified AI or Person Prose, but I guess by Xmas they will have perfected AI and Text to Speech to be almost indistinguishable.
Keep well

Nothing wrong with using AI for all of your posts if you want.

AI is much better than any post written by humans. Plus, Google could care less if a post is written by AI.

As long as it is HELPFUL.

Thanks but I was not talking about using AI but using and about the value of AI content detectors.

Though I would disagree in part with the comment AI is much better than any post written by humans as it is what you ask it to do for you and how.

It certainly is helpful and can save time (a lot of time) but the human touch is far greater than any robotic machine.

That is why we need to give AI certain Prompts so it doesn't sound so robotic or full of AI Fluff it tends to spit out without the human element and that is where we come in.

There is irony of an AI app or software determining if AI content is written by AI.

I personally don't use them:
* they are more unreliable
* search engines are fine with ai (as long as it is helpful)
* I add a human touch to most of my articles.

Hope this helps!

Totally agree with you, Jay. The human touch is important.

Sound advice Sir Jay!

Exactly! Same thoughts, here!

I do run content through a plagiarism checker and modify when needed.


Thanks Jay couldn't agree more. AI assisted content can be great but AI Checker created by AI (how Ironic is that) are worth a pinch of soat these days.

The main focus as you said and many others here we need the human element that is helpful for our readers, period.

Even before AI came to the scene we needed to spend more time writing and researching ourselves, compared to what many are doing now.

We still needed to put the human spin on it for our reader's sake that has and never will change whether we use Ai or Not.

These AI checkers are just a waste of money and to a point time and certainly not worth it.

Appreciate your comment and visit.


I agree with Kyle Abie and Brenda one hundred percent. I have used three paid versions abe out in my own content and it has come back it is 100 percent AI.

Yep that is what I found with my old post back when I started some of them are still ranking on all the search engines without issues. Plus I only used the free version of the AI checker don't want to pay for something that is not accurate as they claim to be. Total waste of money in my opinion.

Thanks Catherine and good to hear from you.


I think that's a great point learn from the mistakes of those of us that paid for it

Thanks Catherine I don't like to pay for certain things like this unless I know it is worth the money and will do the job as it generally states.
As we know and all have confirmed here for those that have paid it is not really worth the money or time.



I have used many (including paid versions), they are unreliable at the best of times. Often times they can catch copy and paste GPT, but outside of they they are not very good at determining GPT content (as they simply cannot keep up).

Also, they are riddled with false positives as well. isn't bad, but again, even the paid version is not super reliable.

Thanks Kyle that is what I was thinking as well.

Normally when I write a blog post, I rely more on the Hemingway Editor but put the blog before and after I through the AI Checker to test the results out.

I found the AI checker to be inaccurate most of the time and unreliable sometimes it is good but tend to rely on the Hemingway editor then get it fixed there and then post.

So I just use the findings via Hemingway and don't rely on the AI Checker.

Yes agree there are so many false positives with all of them.


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