About AmyHD
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"You won't always be motivated. You must be disciplined". “Don’t give up. If you quit, you will never have a chance to succeed.” The 1-3-5-7 Formula for





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have a new website with 4 pages and 17 posts.

It shows that there are 24 valid URLs on Google Search Console Coverage section, but only 4 valid URLs on Mobile Usabilit

Hey Amy,

In Google searching (see screen print below...) your question, the following Search Console Help pages were served in my SERP:


Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you Triblu.

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Search console shows fewer pages valid on mobile usability?

Search console shows fewer pages valid on mobile usability?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have a new website with 4 pages and 17 posts.

It shows that there are 24 valid URLs on Google Search Console Coverage section, but only 4 valid URLs on Mobile Usabilit

Hey Amy,

In Google searching (see screen print below...) your question, the following Search Console Help pages were served in my SERP:


Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you Triblu.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have been experiencing something very strange.

A few days ago the organic traffic of my website has dropped a lot, nearly 40%. Yesterday I submitted a ticket to our Si

I cannot understand why bounce rates are not accurately measured. My visitors stay for more than two minutes but the bounce rate is zero.

That looks more like an issue with Google Analytics than it does actual traffic. You can try a different GA plugin and see if that works. How about your real-time users. Is that looking strange as well?

Hi Jay.
Real-time users seem normal but the Avg.time on page decreased a lot.
I'm sorry, when you say a different GA plugin do you mean I should try to install a plugin?

So real-time is good so you're still getting traffic. That's good. As far as a plugin, how is your site connected to Google Analytics?

Hi Jay. I found this article says My Google Analytics tracking code is almost certainly installed twice. That makes sense.
But I don't know how I did that and don't know how to fix it.

I inserted GA ID code into All-In-One Seo. I have no idea how I ended up installed the code twice.
I didn't change anything. The only thing I did was a few days ago I tried a different theme but only with preview. After that, the traffic and everything else started going crazy.

That's interesting. Is it entered twice in the same plugin, or a separate plugin?

Not sure how a theme would affect it, but... the timing definitely corresponds. It could be a conflict with your theme and All-In-One SEO. Seems unlikely but you never know.

I have experienced the same thing. When I asked site support they also told me everything was ok. Such a drastic change and also a decrease in bounce rate but traffic went from 30/day to 1 or 2. Let me know if you find out why.

My organic traffic from over 550/day went down to 300. Now the bounce rate and time on page decreased too. I don't know which one is real, the data of 550/day or most recent one.
How long have you experienced these changes? Mine started three or four days ago.

Hi Michelle, I just found an article that may help.
I am trying to understand it right now. Let me know if you follow it.

Gradually decreasing the whole month of September for me.


Thanks Amy!

Let me know if you know how to fix it...

Based on the dates: One is for a month, and the other is for a day.

Yes, the first one is for a month, but every day is about the same rate.

one says sep 30 - sep 30

other says sep 1 - sep 29

The 2nd one is today's data.

it's apples vs oranges...

OK, thank you for your reply. I added one additional image.

You have to compare them differently because a month of data will not equal what you get with a single day of data.

The only way to look at your bounce rate is to examine it from the beginning of the site to the present date.

Otherwise, all you have is a snapshot in time of what it is doing right at that point in time.

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Why the bounce rate suddenly dropped dramatically?

Why the bounce rate suddenly dropped dramatically?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have been experiencing something very strange.

A few days ago the organic traffic of my website has dropped a lot, nearly 40%. Yesterday I submitted a ticket to our Si

I cannot understand why bounce rates are not accurately measured. My visitors stay for more than two minutes but the bounce rate is zero.

That looks more like an issue with Google Analytics than it does actual traffic. You can try a different GA plugin and see if that works. How about your real-time users. Is that looking strange as well?

Hi Jay.
Real-time users seem normal but the Avg.time on page decreased a lot.
I'm sorry, when you say a different GA plugin do you mean I should try to install a plugin?

So real-time is good so you're still getting traffic. That's good. As far as a plugin, how is your site connected to Google Analytics?

Hi Jay. I found this article says My Google Analytics tracking code is almost certainly installed twice. That makes sense.
But I don't know how I did that and don't know how to fix it.

I inserted GA ID code into All-In-One Seo. I have no idea how I ended up installed the code twice.
I didn't change anything. The only thing I did was a few days ago I tried a different theme but only with preview. After that, the traffic and everything else started going crazy.

That's interesting. Is it entered twice in the same plugin, or a separate plugin?

Not sure how a theme would affect it, but... the timing definitely corresponds. It could be a conflict with your theme and All-In-One SEO. Seems unlikely but you never know.

I have experienced the same thing. When I asked site support they also told me everything was ok. Such a drastic change and also a decrease in bounce rate but traffic went from 30/day to 1 or 2. Let me know if you find out why.

My organic traffic from over 550/day went down to 300. Now the bounce rate and time on page decreased too. I don't know which one is real, the data of 550/day or most recent one.
How long have you experienced these changes? Mine started three or four days ago.

Hi Michelle, I just found an article that may help.
I am trying to understand it right now. Let me know if you follow it.

Gradually decreasing the whole month of September for me.


Thanks Amy!

Let me know if you know how to fix it...

Based on the dates: One is for a month, and the other is for a day.

Yes, the first one is for a month, but every day is about the same rate.

one says sep 30 - sep 30

other says sep 1 - sep 29

The 2nd one is today's data.

it's apples vs oranges...

OK, thank you for your reply. I added one additional image.

You have to compare them differently because a month of data will not equal what you get with a single day of data.

The only way to look at your bounce rate is to examine it from the beginning of the site to the present date.

Otherwise, all you have is a snapshot in time of what it is doing right at that point in time.

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