Wordpress Is Changing In a BIG Way - Here comes Gutenberg!
As some of you will know WordPress is in the middle of developing a brand-new editor called Gutenberg, which will present an entirely new way of publishing content: using a block level approach.
I have looked at the previews of the new Editor and think it'd going to be a massive step forward.
I have included below some resources which I found really interesting and can't wait to see the shape of things to come.
We Called it Gutenberg for a Reason — Matt Mullenweg
Gutenberg and the WordPress of Tomorrow (VIDEO) — Morten Rand-Hendriksen
Styling Themes for Gutenberg — ThemeShaper
Gutenberg, or the Ship of Theseus — Matias Ventura
If I were talking about Gutenberg & WordPress… — Chris Lema
The Gutenberg WordPress Editor: 10 Things You Need to Know — iThemes
Future of the Web – Gutenberg is Facebook and WordPress is MySpace — Beaver Builder
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Thanks...I think...I've yet to master the current version...hope this updated one is user friendly!
Thanks for the heads up. Just watched the Video. Looks like great thing are coming for WordPress. Today's technology moves us all.
Here's the link to an article I wrote about Gutenberg https://marionblackonline.com/wordpress-5-0-gutenberg/
I just read your article, Marion. I hope Gutenberg doesn't have too many bugs when they roll it out. I will definitely make sure I do a full website backup before Gutenberg arrives!
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I am....completely overwhelmed at the idea.