About 6lifetime21
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287 followers Joined December 2013
My name is Carolena . I am looking forward to starting full time business on line. I am very excited to start learning





Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training
asked in
Getting Started

Hi This is my 2nd try at setting up a new WA affiliate Website. I went to pages and didnot see Wa Affiliate Boot Camp sign-up at all which we were told to ignore but I didn't

Thanks to everyone for helping me. Cheers Carolena

Hi Carolena, that particular page that Kyle said ignore is a page that he did not want to delete because it is being used. Act as though that page does not exist re: the training. It is not a part of the actual lesson. ~ Daniel

Thank you. I will just go on to the next things to do and will really ignore it. Thanks everyone who is trying to help. Cheers Carolena

If you're following the Affiliate Bootcamp, on which day or lesson are you? Otherwise I can't help you.

yes please tell us once again more precisly, and we shure will help you :)


Okay here is where I see this on the video It is 10.43 minutes into the number 3 Boot camp video on Pages at top then in Pages it show Title: WA Affiliate Bootcamp Sign-up (its colored in Blue) and then
below it Edit: Quick Edit: Trash(in Red) View the Author Kyle I never did see this on my old or new affiliate website and it tells me to just to ignore it on the video I sure I haven't deleted anything but I do not see it anywhere. I just want to make sure I don't continue until I know that it doesn't matter if I didn't see this. Hope I have explained where I have seen this or if really doesn't matter. Cheers and once again thank you.

let´s see if I understand lesson 3 is the video Affiliate Bootcamp - Setting Up Your Website, so you mean 10:43 in that video, you mean that it says Author Kyle , ? When you start a website it just says "Admin" in that area, until you make a new Author/admin with your own name, it will NEVER be Kyle´s name there, just the Admin or if you made your own Author, do I understand now your probem ?


I have seen a few of your discussion asking about the same thing. Can you explain exactly what your missing. We want to help you with your problem, but I think everyone is a bit confused about what the problem is

Are you trying to set up a website or searching for boot camp training.

Hi Thanks for so quick reply. This is the 2nd go around on this WA Affiliate website via boot Camp and I can easily delete it. Perhaps I should go to word press from the boot camp training when and not the build my website? Any help is appreciated on this matter that I did not see the page at the beginning, (WA Affiliate Boot camp sign up) which we are suppose to ignore. Nor see it appear on top of my pages when inputting About me, Privacy, and Creating Content. Any ideas will be very very helpful Cheers Carolena

can you include a link to the training that your on that says you should ignore that section

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Setting up pages

Setting up pages

asked in
Getting Started

Hi This is my 2nd try at setting up a new WA affiliate Website. I went to pages and didnot see Wa Affiliate Boot Camp sign-up at all which we were told to ignore but I didn't

Thanks to everyone for helping me. Cheers Carolena

Hi Carolena, that particular page that Kyle said ignore is a page that he did not want to delete because it is being used. Act as though that page does not exist re: the training. It is not a part of the actual lesson. ~ Daniel

Thank you. I will just go on to the next things to do and will really ignore it. Thanks everyone who is trying to help. Cheers Carolena

If you're following the Affiliate Bootcamp, on which day or lesson are you? Otherwise I can't help you.

yes please tell us once again more precisly, and we shure will help you :)


Okay here is where I see this on the video It is 10.43 minutes into the number 3 Boot camp video on Pages at top then in Pages it show Title: WA Affiliate Bootcamp Sign-up (its colored in Blue) and then
below it Edit: Quick Edit: Trash(in Red) View the Author Kyle I never did see this on my old or new affiliate website and it tells me to just to ignore it on the video I sure I haven't deleted anything but I do not see it anywhere. I just want to make sure I don't continue until I know that it doesn't matter if I didn't see this. Hope I have explained where I have seen this or if really doesn't matter. Cheers and once again thank you.

let´s see if I understand lesson 3 is the video Affiliate Bootcamp - Setting Up Your Website, so you mean 10:43 in that video, you mean that it says Author Kyle , ? When you start a website it just says "Admin" in that area, until you make a new Author/admin with your own name, it will NEVER be Kyle´s name there, just the Admin or if you made your own Author, do I understand now your probem ?


I have seen a few of your discussion asking about the same thing. Can you explain exactly what your missing. We want to help you with your problem, but I think everyone is a bit confused about what the problem is

Are you trying to set up a website or searching for boot camp training.

Hi Thanks for so quick reply. This is the 2nd go around on this WA Affiliate website via boot Camp and I can easily delete it. Perhaps I should go to word press from the boot camp training when and not the build my website? Any help is appreciated on this matter that I did not see the page at the beginning, (WA Affiliate Boot camp sign up) which we are suppose to ignore. Nor see it appear on top of my pages when inputting About me, Privacy, and Creating Content. Any ideas will be very very helpful Cheers Carolena

can you include a link to the training that your on that says you should ignore that section

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asked in
Getting Started

I notice when making the Website promoting WA that the Website of yours Wealthy Affiliate - Online Business Starts Here. Can we use this or is it just an illustration. Also Ky

Thanks everyone. I will delete my website and go over it once more. I really appreciate your input on this. I pretty well will be able to go fast up to where I am now and Just that little thing that is nagging at my brain I will be able correct. Cheers everyone who has come to my
rescue. Cheers Carolena

Yeah, yourbrother and Mark are right.
Don't be in rush, take your time and try to use your own ideas.
Besides, all sharks of money making online here in WA advise:"Don't start your online career here from making money online niche unless you are a real pro. This niche is real tough and very competitive.:)

Hi Sam I am still thinking about my niche which is education and am looking to narrow it down to a particular niche. So in the meantime I thought the education I am getting with setting up a website and the learning curve would be most helpful. I am advertising the WA url on other sites for the time being. But once again I am most grateful for everyone's input. Cheers Carolena

Sometimes should go more than once through every lesson, until is everything clear to you, start again from lession first if you need.
Ofcourse you can use some ideas, but must create your own content on website.
You can delete your website and start ower as many time you want, but piont is to go step by step, if you dont know what niche to chose for your website, just go to bootkamp, and create a website to promote WA.
Go with your own flow, go through lession as many times you need to make everything ok.
And remember time is not important as your efort and quality of your work, take it eazy, learn , and enjoy.
Good luck ;)

Hi I think I am a slow learner as I have gone over the videos several times but on 1 or more occasion but didn't use the Bootcamp access. But I appreciate your comments. As you can imagine I am the tortoise. Thank you Cheers Carolena

Hi - it's just an illustration.

You'd be better thinking of your own words to use.

All the best, Mark

Thanks Mark I was using my own words but was a little confused when I repeated the video in the Bootcamp section. Thank you very very much. cheers Carolena

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Going over making a website to promote WA can we use the same page Wealthey Affiliate - Online Busin

Going over making a website to promote WA can we use the same page Wealthey Affiliate - Online Busin

asked in
Getting Started

I notice when making the Website promoting WA that the Website of yours Wealthy Affiliate - Online Business Starts Here. Can we use this or is it just an illustration. Also Ky

Thanks everyone. I will delete my website and go over it once more. I really appreciate your input on this. I pretty well will be able to go fast up to where I am now and Just that little thing that is nagging at my brain I will be able correct. Cheers everyone who has come to my
rescue. Cheers Carolena

Yeah, yourbrother and Mark are right.
Don't be in rush, take your time and try to use your own ideas.
Besides, all sharks of money making online here in WA advise:"Don't start your online career here from making money online niche unless you are a real pro. This niche is real tough and very competitive.:)

Hi Sam I am still thinking about my niche which is education and am looking to narrow it down to a particular niche. So in the meantime I thought the education I am getting with setting up a website and the learning curve would be most helpful. I am advertising the WA url on other sites for the time being. But once again I am most grateful for everyone's input. Cheers Carolena

Sometimes should go more than once through every lesson, until is everything clear to you, start again from lession first if you need.
Ofcourse you can use some ideas, but must create your own content on website.
You can delete your website and start ower as many time you want, but piont is to go step by step, if you dont know what niche to chose for your website, just go to bootkamp, and create a website to promote WA.
Go with your own flow, go through lession as many times you need to make everything ok.
And remember time is not important as your efort and quality of your work, take it eazy, learn , and enjoy.
Good luck ;)

Hi I think I am a slow learner as I have gone over the videos several times but on 1 or more occasion but didn't use the Bootcamp access. But I appreciate your comments. As you can imagine I am the tortoise. Thank you Cheers Carolena

Hi - it's just an illustration.

You'd be better thinking of your own words to use.

All the best, Mark

Thanks Mark I was using my own words but was a little confused when I repeated the video in the Bootcamp section. Thank you very very much. cheers Carolena

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asked in
Getting Started

I didn't finish my thoughts Can we use Wealthy Affiliate - Online Business starts here. Can we use this or is it just an illustration if we are promoting Wealthy Affiliate?

Please Kyle or Carson let us know the answer to this.

Thanks guys I will ask Kyle or Carson if we can use the Wealthy Affiliate title

For promoting you have banners and links.
As to borrowing something from the WA site, I think you should ask the owner.:)

At the top of everything here is a button that says "Affiliate" If you click on that button it will give you your affiliate link to that page. That is what I use to link to anything here.

if it is in affiliate section I don't see why not...however not completely sure may want to get more feedback



asked in
Getting Started

I didn't finish my thoughts Can we use Wealthy Affiliate - Online Business starts here. Can we use this or is it just an illustration if we are promoting Wealthy Affiliate?

Please Kyle or Carson let us know the answer to this.

Thanks guys I will ask Kyle or Carson if we can use the Wealthy Affiliate title

For promoting you have banners and links.
As to borrowing something from the WA site, I think you should ask the owner.:)

At the top of everything here is a button that says "Affiliate" If you click on that button it will give you your affiliate link to that page. That is what I use to link to anything here.

if it is in affiliate section I don't see why not...however not completely sure may want to get more feedback

asked in
Getting Started

I am going back over my site and I am using Wealthy Affiliate as Website. I notice in the video that Kyle highlighted Wealthy Affiliate - Online Business Starts Here. Can we u

I´m not sure, if you don´t reach Kyle or Carson, ask Rich or Boomerg, some of they would know ;)


I would send Carson or Kyle a private message .


I think you should ask Kyle.:)

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Going over Website lesson 3 You used your Wealthy Affiliate - Online Busines starts here Can we use

Going over Website lesson 3 You used your Wealthy Affiliate - Online Busines starts here Can we use

asked in
Getting Started

I am going back over my site and I am using Wealthy Affiliate as Website. I notice in the video that Kyle highlighted Wealthy Affiliate - Online Business Starts Here. Can we u

I´m not sure, if you don´t reach Kyle or Carson, ask Rich or Boomerg, some of they would know ;)


I would send Carson or Kyle a private message .


I think you should ask Kyle.:)

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asked in
Getting Started

Registering for the upcoming Webinar but when I click the button to register it comes up red as unregistered? So I don't know if I am registered or not?????

Thanks to everyone for the input. What a wonderful membership we have. Thanks again Carolena

You are registered. After you have signed up it gives you the "option" of un-registering if you want to. But don't, they are Awesome!

You are already registered:)

Oh I see you have your answer but just one thing I will point out when you Register using that green button, it turns red and says Unregister. You typed unregistered, if you read it that way that is where the confusion comes. The unregister allows you to do just that if you find plans change, you can unregister. Enjoy the Webinar. Daniel

Hi I went back and clicked the button it turned red and it also increased the number of attendees to the Webinar. Thanks you for help it is appreciated. It is the first time I have registered for the Webinar. Cheers Carolena

Forgive me for asking a stupid question but . . . how many times did you click the button? The moment you click "Register" the button changes to "Unregistered." So if that's the case for you, I believe you are registered.

First of all. A question is never stupid! And seconly, you are correct lol. Judy

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I want to register to the Webinar but when I click here to register it says I am unregistered?

I want to register to the Webinar but when I click here to register it says I am unregistered?

asked in
Getting Started

Registering for the upcoming Webinar but when I click the button to register it comes up red as unregistered? So I don't know if I am registered or not?????

Thanks to everyone for the input. What a wonderful membership we have. Thanks again Carolena

You are registered. After you have signed up it gives you the "option" of un-registering if you want to. But don't, they are Awesome!

You are already registered:)

Oh I see you have your answer but just one thing I will point out when you Register using that green button, it turns red and says Unregister. You typed unregistered, if you read it that way that is where the confusion comes. The unregister allows you to do just that if you find plans change, you can unregister. Enjoy the Webinar. Daniel

Hi I went back and clicked the button it turned red and it also increased the number of attendees to the Webinar. Thanks you for help it is appreciated. It is the first time I have registered for the Webinar. Cheers Carolena

Forgive me for asking a stupid question but . . . how many times did you click the button? The moment you click "Register" the button changes to "Unregistered." So if that's the case for you, I believe you are registered.

First of all. A question is never stupid! And seconly, you are correct lol. Judy

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Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training