Why People Leave Affiliate Marketing
Giving or Earning
I was going to call this short blog Giving or Earning, however I think what I am going to talk about goes further than that.
Lately there have been a few people leaving , and I’m not talking about those that are successful or perceived as successful.
I am talking about those that come and kick the tires, maybe stay 3-6 months or longer, are not successful, lose interest and leave.
I started to think it was a generational thing. When you look around there are quite a sprinkling of grayer haired people, my self included.
Although I have “flecks” of gray finely accented to show the majestic skull underneath.. lol…hahaha.
When I was growing up, black and white TV, dinosaurs etc. we did everything ourselves because our parents were at work.
But we did things, we achieved goals. Even if it was just something small. At school our generation was taught not just facts but where to find things.
But now everyone gets help and a reward for participating.
I'll Get it For You.
Have you ever had someone say" What would you like I'll get it for you"
And we are not talking about something small, like coffee or cake.
They carry on to say, "I've been lucky and this is just a bit of payback" But you know there is no payback, because you did nothing for them.
After thinking about the offer that could possibly be one of the worst things a good friend could say to you.
A lot of people would probably say I'm crazy. I can hear them saying, "You're Crazy"..why don't you just say something you really want.
For example, I have always wanted a house in Japan about40-60 minutes out of Tokyo. ( It is something I am planning to buy as I have plans for this house, at the moment you can get something cheap, a fixer upper)
So why not just accept the offer of this gift. Let's say you mentioned it before and he/she said, I've got you on this one.
What’s wrong with that.
Death of the Dream
I think it is probably the worst thing a friend can do.
What you are doing is cutting out that feeling of achievement after expending the effort to get to the goal. Things we did when we were younger.
Now I believe that a lot of parents and family will step in and help but possibly crush that feeling of achievement and attainment.
And doing this will set them up for failure in the future as there is no reward system activated internally to give that “ buzz” of success.
So next time you think about giving something for nothing you may wish to think again.
( And this is in no way the same question as to helping the homeless, that is a completely different question)
The Pondering Parrot
100% Written by Human Hand.
Found this in a coffee shop in Go Vap HCMC.
Website Vientnamesl
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"But we did things, we achieved goals. Even if it was just something small. At school our generation was taught not just facts but where to find things."
I've got your participation trophy for you...
We are resourceful, responsible, and quit isn't in our vocabulary.
Snowflakes, here's your safe zone.
These are all Things The Boomer Blogger Would Say.
But as a friend, I will help you out if you are struggling. Expecially if I have "made it". Reach out and help those around you. Am I purchasing the house for you, no. I may help with the down payment if I had it, I would help you move in. We are friends.
I worte about this before, as a person who is promoting Wealthy Affiliate, I hate when people just quit. Did you quit because it was too hard? You probably quit everything you attempted. But I will ask you,
Do you believe in what you are doing? Is your "Why" your motivation?
Then why are you quitting? Money doesn';t grow on trees, you have to earn it. What would you do for $25K a month? People are making it. Find them, follow them, emulate them.
Chasing the money will not work. You will never find the money. Master your craft, and people will find you, and the money will too.
Did you quit because you weren't heard when you were asking for help. That is a community failing the individual.
I am not sure if that is the Boomer in me or the military in me. Leave no one behind. But kill a dream, never, help fulfill the dream, most definitely.
Did you quit because you found a new path that you believe in, I support your decision, just don't be a stranger.
The Boomer Blogger
I was just about to hit send when I got distracted with with another project. The second image is a screen shot of an X Reply. Do you still say tweets? How appropriate.
It was somewhere around Fresno when the"ether' began to kick in.. Bats what bats, these were Pterodactyl..lol.
Never leave anyone behind. Helping someone stand again is one of the best feelings, both on and off the field.
It's all about finding a way through the roadblocks we inevitably encounter...taking a step back now and then...assessing where we are (over a stiff drink or 7) and moving forward!!!
There is no right or wrong in this game for me Stevoi, but.... I am sure that the only way we fail..... is when we give up!!!
Keep on keeping on buddy!
Never say die buddy.
What do you mean 7…. Not getting soft on me are ya…lol
Actually off the grog at the moment, been sick for a month and lost my voice last 5 days. Just getting it back today….myst ask it where it went..lol….probably had more fun than me..
Keep on rocking
After over indulging slightly over the festive season back in the UK... I am trying to take things easy for a bit!!
Sorry to hear about that buddy, hope you are recovering well??
I'm sure everytime I lose my voice it has had a better time than me....
Take care my friend and keep on Rockin'!!!
Participation trophies, in my opinion, give the wrong message. If you don't learn how to achieve even the smallest goals in life then your life will constantly be filled with regret.
Learning what to do when there are no clear instructions but a clear goal will help a person start to look for and find the answer to the question. You may find some wrong answers but that will only challenge you to look harder and deeper for the best answer to the problem.
Great post, Stevoi! And spot on!
"“flecks” of gray finely accented to show the majestic skull underneath" 🤣🤣
Thanks for your words of wisdom!
Tim 🎼
lol, I will send a signed photo…my left side is much more aristocratic…obviously the one Kyle saw before making me Ambassador.. all now down to the might….
Huh huh huh. Where am I
😂 🤴🤴🚽
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It's a generational thing for sure...but it is not about the children...it is about the parents, as you properly said.
The reasons are a little bit different tho:
- they are UNABLE to teach their children what is living with a purpose
If you see the most focused children out there, it is just they had some parents who taught them to seek their PURPOSE, instead of seeking for friends, clothes and fame.
About those who are leaving...I guess there is a rising amount of "experts" out there, so it is easy to get confused and try different paths, until you find the ones the really works for you!
I agree, there was no way to cover everything I wanted to.
The parents sometimes wish to live through their children and also societal changes have undercut self dependence as well.