I am Now One of The Big Guys!

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Finally, I am a Premium Plus Member here at WA!

Very exciting, now I shall head to some classes, and become more advanced!

Not that much to say, but I do believe this will be huge for me.

Wish me luck :)

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Hello Jonathan

Congratulations on becoming a premium plus member! I probably won't have the money for premium plus this year so I will remain as a yearly premium member when my membership renews in December.

But I do plan to upgrade to premium plus one day in the future. Congratulations again on becoming a premium plus member and I hope you enjoy it. I hope you have an amazing year ahead as a premium plus member on Wealthy Affiliate. All the best to your success.



Thank you, hope you will upgrade soon😃

Hello Jonathan

You're welcome and I will upgrade to premium plus one day when I have the money. All the best to your success.



Success for you too :)

You were always one of the big guys Jonathan. Congrats 🍾

Well thank you very much 😄

Many congratulations on the upgrade Jonathan, you have now opened up a whole new level of training to assist you in your online business endeavours!

All the very best moving forward buddy! :-)

Thank you Jessie, you too :)

You're most welcome my friend and very much appreciated!

Enjoy the rest of your day! :-)

Wow! Jonathan!
Awesome. This is the best news all day!
Happiness is Premium Plus!


Hey Rachele! Thank you very much!

My pleasure, Jonathan.

Hey, Jonathan! Congratulations! Welcome to the Crown Family! Way to go! High Five! I wish you all the best for the rest of 2023- and 2024. A lot of growth will be taking place. Woot, woot! I know you will not regret this. As you say, you want to grow your online business. It's the best time to be Premium Plus. You get to be part of the Beta testing coming up in December for the AI Writing Platform. Again, Congrats, here's a shot (drinking tea, non-alcoholic). I wish you could be in live classes, but the replays are still a great way to learn.

Thank you, Brenda! Yeah, I wish I can be in some live classes. But sleep is calling

Yeah, 2 am when it's 5 pm here. I get it. The replays are still good though. You will still learn. Enjoy!

Yeah, that is at least the "point" (to learn).

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