About WouterdeHaas
Rank 28890
258 followers Joined August 2015


Hi! I'm Wouter, a traditionally trained marketing- and communications professional. Self employed since the summer of 2014, enjoying it and doing well. Back when I





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asked in
Website Development & Programming


If I click on the switches for Site Speed and SSL they turn grey instead of green. And nothing else happens. I'm using Google Chrome. Any ideas on why the switches ar

Contact Site Support, Wout. This sounds like a technical issue.

Thanks Marion, I'll do that now.

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Why don't the switches in siteplus+ interface work?

Why don't the switches in siteplus+ interface work?

asked in
Website Development & Programming


If I click on the switches for Site Speed and SSL they turn grey instead of green. And nothing else happens. I'm using Google Chrome. Any ideas on why the switches ar

Contact Site Support, Wout. This sounds like a technical issue.

Thanks Marion, I'll do that now.

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research


I can't retrieve my saved keyword lists anymore? When I click "saved keywords lists" it's empty. But when I'm researching I can add keywords to my existing lists or c

My saved lists are loading. Sometimes, in Jaaxy, if I have too many lists, it takes a long time to load. I'm not sure if the same problem happens in the WA tool, but if you have a ton of lists you may want to consider deleting some old ones.

Thanks Nathaniell. Still not loading. Wondering if it's browser related (Google Chrome) now. I have about four lists on here, nothing crazy. Couldn't delete any of them cause I can't really access them. Only save new keywords to them. I'll head over to support when I get a moment.

Hmm. I'm using Chrome too. Maybe an ad blocker is messing it up? Do you have any other extensions you can disable that might be causing this error? Have you tried clearing the browser cache or trying another browser? Usually Chrome works best though...

Ha, wouldn't dream of using an ad blocker! ;-) Must be something borked with Chrome though. Cleared the cache several times by now but in IExplorer it works fine. God, I hate IE... Anyway, got access to my lists back, which was the point. Many thanks for putting me on the track!

Does it still not work for you?
I just tried to go to my saved list. And it worked fine. So don't seem that I have the same problem.
Maybe you should turn to the support about it, if it's some problem with yours?


Thanks for checking. Still no luck here. I'll reboot everything and try again. And if still no good I'll turn to support indeed. Thanks again.

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Wa keyword tool: saved lists. not loading?

Wa keyword tool: saved lists. not loading?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research


I can't retrieve my saved keyword lists anymore? When I click "saved keywords lists" it's empty. But when I'm researching I can add keywords to my existing lists or c

My saved lists are loading. Sometimes, in Jaaxy, if I have too many lists, it takes a long time to load. I'm not sure if the same problem happens in the WA tool, but if you have a ton of lists you may want to consider deleting some old ones.

Thanks Nathaniell. Still not loading. Wondering if it's browser related (Google Chrome) now. I have about four lists on here, nothing crazy. Couldn't delete any of them cause I can't really access them. Only save new keywords to them. I'll head over to support when I get a moment.

Hmm. I'm using Chrome too. Maybe an ad blocker is messing it up? Do you have any other extensions you can disable that might be causing this error? Have you tried clearing the browser cache or trying another browser? Usually Chrome works best though...

Ha, wouldn't dream of using an ad blocker! ;-) Must be something borked with Chrome though. Cleared the cache several times by now but in IExplorer it works fine. God, I hate IE... Anyway, got access to my lists back, which was the point. Many thanks for putting me on the track!

Does it still not work for you?
I just tried to go to my saved list. And it worked fine. So don't seem that I have the same problem.
Maybe you should turn to the support about it, if it's some problem with yours?


Thanks for checking. Still no luck here. I'll reboot everything and try again. And if still no good I'll turn to support indeed. Thanks again.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hello all,

This is not directly related to WA, but indirectly it certainly is! Allow me to explain: For my offline Marketing- & Communication business, I am seriously

You can get some very good work done for cheap online. The 'super cheap' stuff is just $5/hour, so $10 to $20 is a pretty good wage for developing countries, and you can usually get some skilled workers for this.

It's worth your time to try a few people out though, because some people will promise the world just to get a job, and then not be able to deliver. I would also spend some time checking the work of cheaper contractors because many designers are not opposed to ripping other people's designs off.

With more expensive contractors, you usually get a better work ethic, but of course pay for it. With some trial and error, you'll be able to find a good balance that works for you, your needs, and your budget.

I use upwork.com

Thanks, Nathaniell. That's a second recommendation for upwork. I'm currently chopping some larger projects up in smaller ones so I can run some trials.

Hi Wouter. I don't have any experience with outsourcing yet, but I've heard good things about Upwork - https://www.upwork.com. Just use the seach bar, and type 'DTP'.

I just had a look, and for DTP work, there are a couple of people offering their services there for less than $8 an hour, having done hundreds of hours of work through that platform, and getting positive reviews.

If you're looking to outsource, I'd just give it a try. It might take a bit of trial and error. I'd start trying a couple of different freelancers, giving each one of them a small job that takes just one hour to complete. You'll only be down a couple of bucks, and will most likely find a good one you can outsource bigger jobs to later.

Hey Guido, thanks! I will definitely check upwork out.

Hello Wouter unfortunately I can't say that I have. Hope you come right. Bye...

Hi Johan, not to worry, I'll sort it out somehow.

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Considering to outsource dtp work. wherewhom?

Considering to outsource dtp work. wherewhom?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hello all,

This is not directly related to WA, but indirectly it certainly is! Allow me to explain: For my offline Marketing- & Communication business, I am seriously

You can get some very good work done for cheap online. The 'super cheap' stuff is just $5/hour, so $10 to $20 is a pretty good wage for developing countries, and you can usually get some skilled workers for this.

It's worth your time to try a few people out though, because some people will promise the world just to get a job, and then not be able to deliver. I would also spend some time checking the work of cheaper contractors because many designers are not opposed to ripping other people's designs off.

With more expensive contractors, you usually get a better work ethic, but of course pay for it. With some trial and error, you'll be able to find a good balance that works for you, your needs, and your budget.

I use upwork.com

Thanks, Nathaniell. That's a second recommendation for upwork. I'm currently chopping some larger projects up in smaller ones so I can run some trials.

Hi Wouter. I don't have any experience with outsourcing yet, but I've heard good things about Upwork - https://www.upwork.com. Just use the seach bar, and type 'DTP'.

I just had a look, and for DTP work, there are a couple of people offering their services there for less than $8 an hour, having done hundreds of hours of work through that platform, and getting positive reviews.

If you're looking to outsource, I'd just give it a try. It might take a bit of trial and error. I'd start trying a couple of different freelancers, giving each one of them a small job that takes just one hour to complete. You'll only be down a couple of bucks, and will most likely find a good one you can outsource bigger jobs to later.

Hey Guido, thanks! I will definitely check upwork out.

Hello Wouter unfortunately I can't say that I have. Hope you come right. Bye...

Hi Johan, not to worry, I'll sort it out somehow.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Say I'd want to get into theshopping bag niche. And bagshopping . com would be available as a domain. Would that work out?

They can - but will that be confusing to a visitor? Will it hurt your brand to look like a non-english spammy site? Funny spelling and phrases can be catchy, so I won't say 'don't do it', but you shouldn't get a domain just because you think the keywords are good. It's a great start, but not the end of the world if you don't get the best keyword.

Gotcha. Branding is the thing, understood. Leave it to me, I've been branding and marketing offline stuff for a while now. ;-) Same rules apply online, or course. Bagshopping is a particularly bad example too. What is "bagshopping" anyway?! Shopping for bags? Doesn't seem to have much to do with the shopping bag niche anymore, does it? Still stumped for an example in which it could work btw, but that hardly matters. Main thing I learned is that it would work for the search engines but that a domain that makes sense to the visitor + proper branding should always prevail.

Search engines will definitely get what you mean even if the words are reversed, but I don't see a real advantage because long term, exact match keywords don't provide an advantage. *maybe* keyword rich domains do give a slight advantage, but I wouldn't bet my business on it, and would rather have something catchy and memorable than keyword rich.

I understand what you're saying, except for the bit where you say that exact match keywords don't give a long term advantage. Do you mean that keywords tend to come and go? Like fashion?

You wouldn't believe the discussions I had in the past with coworkers who just refused to understand the importance of short & catchy url's. "Okay, so you want more visitors on page http://www.verylongdomainname.nonsense/evenlongersubdomainname/longestsubsubdomainnameimagineable, right? And you want to use this url in offline and printed as well, huh? So that your target audience remembers it. Best of luck with all that!"

Anyway, in my mind, short, catchy & brandable should be top priority when picking domains. If it can be combined with keyword rich, that's a little bonus. Correct?

The keyword thing I mentioned is because of this: In the past, using good keywords in a domain almost guaranteed rank for that keyword so people would purchase domains with good keywords and rank easily even with terrible websites. Now there is less emphasis on these keyword domains, and they have to work just as hard as other, non-keyword domains (most of the time!)

Thanks for clarifying and the link, Very interesting read!

The domain "earthbestpouches.com" is available in case you are wondering...bye...

Hi Johan, I should have made it more clear in my question, but the shopping bag was just an example. I have no intention to get into that niche. Though your ideas make it very tempting all of a sudden! ;-) Thank you very much for your input, it is truly much appreciated. Take care!

Hello Wouter, since you are on the idea of bags and shopping, why don't you focus on bags that are environment friendly, green bags? Here is a name that I think could be quite possibly the right fit for your niche, "earth best pouches". If you really think about it, it actually could mean reviews of the best green shopping bags. Just a thought...anyway you have a blessed day my dear friend...bye...

For me I wouldn't mix it up. Sure the search engines will probably be okay with this but I'm not sure how real people would feel after seeing the site's name that doesn't make sense.

I would suggest that you add some prefix or suffix to the domain if you really want to target keywords. For eg. myshoppingbag.com, shoppingbagtothemax.com, shoppingbagguru.com, shoppinbagreviews.com. Personally I go for the suffix. Hope this helps.

Yep, that helps. Thanks! I agree that your suggestions make a heck of a lot more sense to real people, which is what matters most. And it's far more brandable therefore too. I could imagine though there would be situations where you could reverse the keywords and still end up with a brandable domain that makes sense. Don't ask me for an example though. Drawing blanks atm... :-D

That would be fine. remember, doesn't completely matter what you domain is. If you are posting the quality content on your website, you will still get recognized.

Thanks! I was just wondering if such domain names would still be regarded as relevant by the search engines. And yeah, I won't forget about quality content. I just figure that if a keyword rich domain could be picked up, it wouldn't hurt.

your right it doesn't hurt, but it also doesn't help as much as it use too. but it does help a little

Good to know! Thanks again.

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Can the keywords in a keyword rich domain name be reversed?

Can the keywords in a keyword rich domain name be reversed?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Say I'd want to get into theshopping bag niche. And bagshopping . com would be available as a domain. Would that work out?

They can - but will that be confusing to a visitor? Will it hurt your brand to look like a non-english spammy site? Funny spelling and phrases can be catchy, so I won't say 'don't do it', but you shouldn't get a domain just because you think the keywords are good. It's a great start, but not the end of the world if you don't get the best keyword.

Gotcha. Branding is the thing, understood. Leave it to me, I've been branding and marketing offline stuff for a while now. ;-) Same rules apply online, or course. Bagshopping is a particularly bad example too. What is "bagshopping" anyway?! Shopping for bags? Doesn't seem to have much to do with the shopping bag niche anymore, does it? Still stumped for an example in which it could work btw, but that hardly matters. Main thing I learned is that it would work for the search engines but that a domain that makes sense to the visitor + proper branding should always prevail.

Search engines will definitely get what you mean even if the words are reversed, but I don't see a real advantage because long term, exact match keywords don't provide an advantage. *maybe* keyword rich domains do give a slight advantage, but I wouldn't bet my business on it, and would rather have something catchy and memorable than keyword rich.

I understand what you're saying, except for the bit where you say that exact match keywords don't give a long term advantage. Do you mean that keywords tend to come and go? Like fashion?

You wouldn't believe the discussions I had in the past with coworkers who just refused to understand the importance of short & catchy url's. "Okay, so you want more visitors on page http://www.verylongdomainname.nonsense/evenlongersubdomainname/longestsubsubdomainnameimagineable, right? And you want to use this url in offline and printed as well, huh? So that your target audience remembers it. Best of luck with all that!"

Anyway, in my mind, short, catchy & brandable should be top priority when picking domains. If it can be combined with keyword rich, that's a little bonus. Correct?

The keyword thing I mentioned is because of this: In the past, using good keywords in a domain almost guaranteed rank for that keyword so people would purchase domains with good keywords and rank easily even with terrible websites. Now there is less emphasis on these keyword domains, and they have to work just as hard as other, non-keyword domains (most of the time!)

Thanks for clarifying and the link, Very interesting read!

The domain "earthbestpouches.com" is available in case you are wondering...bye...

Hi Johan, I should have made it more clear in my question, but the shopping bag was just an example. I have no intention to get into that niche. Though your ideas make it very tempting all of a sudden! ;-) Thank you very much for your input, it is truly much appreciated. Take care!

Hello Wouter, since you are on the idea of bags and shopping, why don't you focus on bags that are environment friendly, green bags? Here is a name that I think could be quite possibly the right fit for your niche, "earth best pouches". If you really think about it, it actually could mean reviews of the best green shopping bags. Just a thought...anyway you have a blessed day my dear friend...bye...

For me I wouldn't mix it up. Sure the search engines will probably be okay with this but I'm not sure how real people would feel after seeing the site's name that doesn't make sense.

I would suggest that you add some prefix or suffix to the domain if you really want to target keywords. For eg. myshoppingbag.com, shoppingbagtothemax.com, shoppingbagguru.com, shoppinbagreviews.com. Personally I go for the suffix. Hope this helps.

Yep, that helps. Thanks! I agree that your suggestions make a heck of a lot more sense to real people, which is what matters most. And it's far more brandable therefore too. I could imagine though there would be situations where you could reverse the keywords and still end up with a brandable domain that makes sense. Don't ask me for an example though. Drawing blanks atm... :-D

That would be fine. remember, doesn't completely matter what you domain is. If you are posting the quality content on your website, you will still get recognized.

Thanks! I was just wondering if such domain names would still be regarded as relevant by the search engines. And yeah, I won't forget about quality content. I just figure that if a keyword rich domain could be picked up, it wouldn't hurt.

your right it doesn't hurt, but it also doesn't help as much as it use too. but it does help a little

Good to know! Thanks again.

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