About womo2015
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661 followers Joined April 2015
As Aeronautical Engineer I work in US in many different places: Phoenix, Az 7 years, Mesa, Az, 3 y, Seattle, Wa, 4y, Long Beach, Ca





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Which program to use for implementing Aveber ?

Do you mean Aweber?

Do not answer if you ask a question! Period.

.... anyway glad you figured it out bud

I am not sure if this is a typo or the actual name. If it is a typo I can only think that you may be asking about Aweber....

Do you mean Aweber the email marketing system?

If so, I am not sure how that works. I know you have to create a form but, I do not know how to integrate with you site.

But, I did find this so maybe this can help you out... And this as well These will only help if you are talking about Aweber!

Thanks. My implementation is done 100%. Now needed a good practical way to use it.

Oh, that is absolutely awesome to hear! I am so glad that you did get the implementation...

I wish I could help with a great way to practically use it but, unfortunately, I have not figured that one out myself yet.

SOrry, I am not much help but, maybe these can help as well...

What is Avenger? Is it a plugin or an affiliate company?

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Proper way to implement aveber to website?

Proper way to implement aveber to website?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Which program to use for implementing Aveber ?

Do you mean Aweber?

Do not answer if you ask a question! Period.

.... anyway glad you figured it out bud

I am not sure if this is a typo or the actual name. If it is a typo I can only think that you may be asking about Aweber....

Do you mean Aweber the email marketing system?

If so, I am not sure how that works. I know you have to create a form but, I do not know how to integrate with you site.

But, I did find this so maybe this can help you out... And this as well These will only help if you are talking about Aweber!

Thanks. My implementation is done 100%. Now needed a good practical way to use it.

Oh, that is absolutely awesome to hear! I am so glad that you did get the implementation...

I wish I could help with a great way to practically use it but, unfortunately, I have not figured that one out myself yet.

SOrry, I am not much help but, maybe these can help as well...

What is Avenger? Is it a plugin or an affiliate company?

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

What I have to do having new user registration info?

New user registration on your site Welcome to Texas.:

Username: corinnecoats

Hey Wojtek,

By providing more detail, I'm sure one of us will be able to help you. However, the little information you have offered here, all I can do is guess what you are might asking.

Example: a new use registration info for where ... a new WA membership, a website contact form, a new subscriber to your WordPress website ... ?

Each of these would require different tutorials.

My yahoo mail is receiving this info:

Word Press [Welcome to Texas] New user registration....

And is no any links in it.

What is this?

Sounds like spam to me Wojtek,

You could check to see WHO sent your the email... here's how:

View email message headers in Yahoo! Mail:
1.) Log in to Yahoo! Mail.
2.) Open the message for which you wish to view the headers.
3.) In the toolbar at the top of the message, next to Spam, is a button for more options. Click it to open the menu and then choose View Raw Message.
4.) A new tab will open with the full message, including the header information and the whole body message.

I try this before. nothing more is here except some data how was done.
In any case, you make me happier.

Thank you.

Copy is here:

X-Apparently-To: wojtekmo@sbcglobal.net; Wed, 14 Feb 2018 16:59:08 +0000

The From line:
From: WordPress

In my case Registration is enforced by my activity using github.com from where users are exploring more in the options field. As for now, i decided to let it go as is.


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Registration info in mail box?

Registration info in mail box?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

What I have to do having new user registration info?

New user registration on your site Welcome to Texas.:

Username: corinnecoats

Hey Wojtek,

By providing more detail, I'm sure one of us will be able to help you. However, the little information you have offered here, all I can do is guess what you are might asking.

Example: a new use registration info for where ... a new WA membership, a website contact form, a new subscriber to your WordPress website ... ?

Each of these would require different tutorials.

My yahoo mail is receiving this info:

Word Press [Welcome to Texas] New user registration....

And is no any links in it.

What is this?

Sounds like spam to me Wojtek,

You could check to see WHO sent your the email... here's how:

View email message headers in Yahoo! Mail:
1.) Log in to Yahoo! Mail.
2.) Open the message for which you wish to view the headers.
3.) In the toolbar at the top of the message, next to Spam, is a button for more options. Click it to open the menu and then choose View Raw Message.
4.) A new tab will open with the full message, including the header information and the whole body message.

I try this before. nothing more is here except some data how was done.
In any case, you make me happier.

Thank you.

Copy is here:

X-Apparently-To: wojtekmo@sbcglobal.net; Wed, 14 Feb 2018 16:59:08 +0000

The From line:
From: WordPress

In my case Registration is enforced by my activity using github.com from where users are exploring more in the options field. As for now, i decided to let it go as is.


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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

My passion for State I live in and narrow focus on peculiar niche my question is:

Practical approachMy site   texas.womotec.net   and    whytexasnow.com are both too bi

Extreme difference in design of website?

Extreme difference in design of website?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

My passion for State I live in and narrow focus on peculiar niche my question is:

Practical approachMy site   texas.womotec.net   and    whytexasnow.com are both too bi

asked in
Everything Wordpress

How my website will grow, if my writing skills are not good enough,
and task to add rolling Post with Post Roll in, IS BIG barrier for me?

As now is ranked by Google,

Best bet is magnify he content in those posts through Grammarly and reviews from friends!

Hire someone to write for you.

Hi! You can useca free grammar check program like Grammarly. It will remove basic grammatical errors. Content creation is key and there is no way you will see your site grow without adding content on a regular basis. Not being American myself I can assure you that you will only get better the more you write. It is harder for us than others but that doesn't mean that we can't do it. Your #1 post on Google proves it. Just keep on doing and improving.

Thank you for good indication how to improve English. It is not so bad overall, what I try to ask is much more complex.
Mining my isolated judgment and restriction with understanding.
Now even when writing the answer to you some words were corrected by already implemented dictionary here in WA.

Jonh, if you like to keep a steady contact with me, will be my pleasure to deal with some unexpected issue together.


Sure I just followed you. Don't hesitate to send me a personal message if you need any help. I will do the same. Have a nice day!

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Way to keep website running with limited number of posts?

Way to keep website running with limited number of posts?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

How my website will grow, if my writing skills are not good enough,
and task to add rolling Post with Post Roll in, IS BIG barrier for me?

As now is ranked by Google,

Best bet is magnify he content in those posts through Grammarly and reviews from friends!

Hire someone to write for you.

Hi! You can useca free grammar check program like Grammarly. It will remove basic grammatical errors. Content creation is key and there is no way you will see your site grow without adding content on a regular basis. Not being American myself I can assure you that you will only get better the more you write. It is harder for us than others but that doesn't mean that we can't do it. Your #1 post on Google proves it. Just keep on doing and improving.

Thank you for good indication how to improve English. It is not so bad overall, what I try to ask is much more complex.
Mining my isolated judgment and restriction with understanding.
Now even when writing the answer to you some words were corrected by already implemented dictionary here in WA.

Jonh, if you like to keep a steady contact with me, will be my pleasure to deal with some unexpected issue together.


Sure I just followed you. Don't hesitate to send me a personal message if you need any help. I will do the same. Have a nice day!

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

My original website never uses Content Creator.
Will be possible to use this tool now and implement to existing or on the base of new Modem?

You're asking about carryover compatibility. Carson/site support could best answer!

Please, how and where to send my question.

Already they answer with "be patient we work on it". But this is urealistic for me. Same answer I got last Saturday. That is the reason for my other connection and actions.
Thank you.

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Website rework from scratch by adding content platform?

Website rework from scratch by adding content platform?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

My original website never uses Content Creator.
Will be possible to use this tool now and implement to existing or on the base of new Modem?

You're asking about carryover compatibility. Carson/site support could best answer!

Please, how and where to send my question.

Already they answer with "be patient we work on it". But this is urealistic for me. Same answer I got last Saturday. That is the reason for my other connection and actions.
Thank you.

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