Tips to Growing Your YouTube Channel Brick by Brick


This video is really an encapsulation of the things I've talked about in prior WAvlogs regarding consistency, chasing popular search terms using the YouTube search feature and staying consistent with it. Doing so will help you grow steadily and slowly at first but it's all propertional and adds up.

Make sure to focus on the small things you can do today, not what you want done in a month or year from now. This will help you accomplish way more in the short run, and by being consistent in the long run.

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Great little video as always Vitaliy... step by step and block by block is the only to build a solid foundation for any business we are building! :-)

You are right on point with this post. Thanks for sharing.


Hi, Vitaly. Thanks for this great advice. Not looking too far into the future is not the same as not having an overall game plan, which I'm sure you have. Am I wrong to say that a reasonable summation of this vlog is that once a game plan is set, get after it and stay after it, and results will happen?

That's one way to interpret it Dave but I'd say it's just a matter of being disciplined about the process I laid out and staying consistent. I guess that's another way of saying the same thing now that I think about it lol.

Ugh, discipline. I sorely lack it. I've been in an unexplainable slump for about a week (no, I don't drink or smoke). I'm out of it now and back into writing. I have four outlines in front of me, so it's time to focus on what I can get done today.

Start small then. A few incremental things a day, followed by doing it again and again will turn into a habit.

Thanks, Vitaliy,

Your video came at just the right time. I tend to feel a bit frustrated when the views don't add up as expected. I realize my expectations might be too high, and I need to focus more on delivering content than on checking analytics.

I started in March and have published about 35 videos and a couple of dozen YouTube Shorts.

I need to focus more on "chasing popular search terms using YouTube search," as you mentioned.

If you don't mind, I would like to share my YouTube channel with you. If you could spend a few seconds to let me know what you think, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks again for this video; it encourages me to focus more on content creation.


Hi Michal sure, PM me the channel link.

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