Rebuilding my Website to 100,000 Visitors a Month (Progress Report And Tips)


Until the HCU update in 2023, my website (TheNatureSeeker) was easily getting 100,000 visitors a month and earning me quite a bit too. Post HCU update, it's fallen to under 500 visitors a month (talk about a gut punch am I right?).

Well ever since that disaster, I've been diving more and more into regrowing that traffic to 100k via a few other channels, 3 of which I am covering in this video (this is a 30 day report):

  • Pinterest: 4-5k visitors a month from there
  • Bing: 7-8k visitors a month from there
  • Facebook: 300+ visitors a month from there
  • Google: 450 visitors from there
  • Estimated total: 14,000+ visitors a month

This is certainly a far cry from the 100,000 visitors I used to get from Google, but we're talking about other traffic channels that are slowly building up. Back in Sep, these other channels were getting next to nothing in terms of traffic (maybe 1,000 visitors a month in total, and now it's up to 10,000+). My goal is to make them each get to 100,000 each so I never have to rely on Google.

Now the great news is that I've been showcasing this stuff and how to do it through these video vlogs and you can do the same. Also I don't want to scare people into thinking that Google is a lost cause. New sites seem to be doing alright (My scenic train ride site for example), but the main point here is that if you're making a website, get it multiple traffic sources, don't rely on 1.

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This was great advice. I did not want to go with Facebook but I know that it is probably inevitable. I am doing well with Instagram. Im a month in and already have 700 followers so I am very pleased with that. I am still new here and not yet at the point of making any money from affiliates but rather still working on my traffic... so I will take this advice and open up more traffic channe

That's awesome progress! Think of this as you planting seeds in your business garden. And you're right, work on getting quality traffic first, then on promoting affiliate offers ideal for that traffic.

Hey! Did you STEAL my webmaster tools Graph!!!!

Only joking, I can tell it's your own graph from Webmaster Tools, but god damn it looks almost exactly like mine, soul-destroying!

Interested in how you "grew" Bing traffic? As far as I am aware that all comes organically and there is no real way of growing it other than general SEO which we were all doing beforehand anyway...

So basically if you're growing your site for Google, you will also be doing it indirectly for bing. I've just gone an extra step or two by adding the site to bing webmaster tools and url inspecting my posts to help expedite that process.

Sounds like Vitaliy should do a 'how to grow Bing traffic' live class!

I just might have to ;)

So you have grown your bing traffic from less than 1000 a month to 7-8k just by submitting urls to bing webmaster tools...which only speeds up an automated process, how slow is it usually...its had 8 years for some of my urls...

If I had the money I would start an anti-trust suit against Google for their all out assault on professional bloggers giving 90% of our traffic in a fell swoop to big sites like Reddit and Medium. It is the largest assault on small business by a large monopoly ever and it has hurt millions of us. Google proofing and Google retiring are in order, we must push the use of alt search engines as well as plan for traffic from them until they lose their income for a change.

Great going Vitaliy! I've probably said it before and I will say it again... I absolutely loathe social media, but... using it well is a necessity this days!!

Nice figures on Bing though, mine are starting to increase there as well!

Are Google's days numbered??

Let's see my friend... it's a bit early to say yet!! :-)

I doubt Googles day a numbered and I'm hopeful for a comeback there eventually, but I'm not holding my breath and they are notorious for making changes that ruin people's businesses so in that regard, let karma do whatever it deems necessary but I'm going to focus on growth and moving forward.

I'm not holding my breath either Vitaliy in regards to Google!!

Karma can be a powerful thing!!

Different ways to grow is what we all should be focusing on now...

All the very best moving forward with your businesses buddy! :-)

Thanks for making another informative video! So would you say that it would be better to try to get as many channels as you can? Or is it more beneficial to focus on the big main ones?

Focusing on the main big ones would be my recommendation. We also want to make sure we don't spread ourselves too thin with these other options out there. The main goal is still to build a website as your HQ to send traffic to from multiple sources. Once we publish content on the website, then it's a matter of spending a little bit of time everyday (but not too much) on growing it.

For some people, growing it on places like Bing, Pinterest and Facebook might be the best bet.

For others, you may have other channels like PPC and YouTube to help you.

You can use all of them, but for some websites/niches, certain options might be better than others but these ones are the main ones I'd focus on.


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