Building 1 site vs Multiple sites at once when you're new. Good idea or bad?


My advice is simple: Focus on one site when you're new and when you get the experience on how it's all done, then consider making a second/third site after. Would love to know your thoughts on this!

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I definitely agree, that focusing on more than one site when you are new, it is difficult to keep everything straight. It has been my experience that each site has slightly different priorities and quirks.

It is much better to get one site up and running smoothly than to try with more than one when starting.


Great advice as always, Vitaliy

Right now I am promoting one site, since it is Wealthy Affiliate it is going to take me time to build authority and trust.

I am thinking of adding a few more sites as time goes by, but right now I am staying focused on one site until I get some posts written and published


In general, I agree that beginners should focus on one site.

However, there are exceptionally talented individuals with the skill sets to succeed with multiple sites. Skills needed include exceptional writing, planning, organizing, and time management skills, as well as time, resources, and a comprehensive business plan with schedule.

Good morning Vitaliy,

Thank you for your excellent video post, Vitaliy.

I think many of us become very enthusiastic when we start out, but we are far better off starting with one website. If we have too many websites, it can lead to being overwhelmed, and we almost end up not doing anything.

I don't think is a bad idea when we start out to have a second website to document what we are learning. I will often create how-to videos, which I upload to YouTube, but it's also a reminder to me of how to do a particular task in the future. By documenting everything we do, we can almost naturally create a second website.

It looks like you are using Camtasia, Vitaliy. I just saw the little box at the end of your video, which looks like the Camtasia interface. I have used Camtasia for years and it appears to work well for me. Are you using the new Rev feature? I was using it, but the videos were slow to upload, so I am not using Rev that much now. It's always interesting to hear what software other members are using, etc.

Have a great day.


Hi Roy I'm still using an older version of Camtasia but I personally love it.

Good morning Vitaliy,

That's interesting, Vitaliy; the main thing is that it seems to work okay. I didn't realise you were using an older version; the interface didn't look any different.

Just for your interest (I don't want to tell you something you already know), probably 3 or 4 years ago, I started paying for a maintenance agreement, which is not much money. This then gives me the latest version, but also gives me access to telephone support if I have a question etc. It also allows me to carry out the certification training which I am currently doing. I'm halfway through!

Have a great day and thank you for your very useful short training videos.


Yeah I always see that option when I open it up but I'm holding off on that for now.

I understand!

Have a great day.


Another informative video! I struggled with this decision because I think when you start out your mind gets carried away with the potential of having multiple businesses and income streams. But I feel that there is so much to learn in building and taking care of a business that trying to run multiple businesses from the get go may be biting off more than you can chew. So I completely agree with and resonate with this video, keep 'em coming!

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