No Longer Top 200 - A bit disappointed

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Hello my friends,

I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not longer in the Top 200 as you can see and I know that it is because I haven't been that active lately. I'm not saying that I was surprised, this was totally expected and it was just matter of time.

I got busy with other things including my website and Instagram. I tried my best to promote during Black Friday and it just didn't work. I'm not giving up but I'm definitely looking at my options to be productive as much as I can.

I always mentioned that I need to lead by example and my expectations were to be in the TOP 100 in order to serve as "proof" that this is real. I mean, it only takes a few days here at WA to realize the potential of WA but for my future referrals and current WA friends, I thought that it would be great to see the person that brought them here and/or encourages them getting as involved as possible. It's kind of like a personal trainer telling people to work out and they don't have healthy life.

I really appreciate all your support and I'm hoping to get back on the TOP 200 soon, after I put the work in obviously!! Not that I will make me rich or would make a difference financially, but mentally it keeps me motivated.

Have a nice day my friend :)

During down times, my quote is:

"BE the best YOU can BE!"


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Recent Comments


Yes, remain the best you can be, Victor, and you'll rock the online world. Don't worry about what happened with your WA ranking that went down below the top 200. You'll surely get up again so far you believe in the best you can be always. Thanks for your post!

Israel Olatunji

I appreciate the positive vibes!

Activity here definitely contributes to WA ranking but focus on your website contributes to your success as online business owner. I’ve been in same boat but my business is my # 1 priority. Just keep at what you are doing :) love the quote. My motivation quote: just keep trucking. Forward Movement is better than nothing :)

Thanks for the positive words!

Your success can be measured by what your business is doing. Is it making money? Are you getting regular traffic? Are your sites ranking in the SE's?
While the Ranking # here at WA is cool, it's important to remember that your future customers will never see it. Your sense of loyalty and desire to help will be felt by THEM in your interaction with your your emails...maybe even on the phone.
I made it a point, early on, that I would not get caught up in the ranking frenzy. Distractions, no matter how trivial, can be detrimental to your focus. Lack of focus can hurt your business.
Success is in your grasp! Go for it!!

very good advice Mark. I completely agree.

The real proof this works comes from your website results Victor. So even though it is important we all support each other here at WA and are active, the first priority should be your website and own sales.

If you because of this get a lower rank at WA it does not matter. So just keep going and be happy that you have spent time testing thing for BF and working on your website.

I appreciate the help my friend!

Victor even though I believe you are doing well and yours is not a failure, I want to share the following:

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” - Napoleon Hill

“It’s not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that counts.” - Zig Ziglar

“Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I’ve met people who don’t want to try for fear of failing.” - J.K. Rowling


Nice quotes!

I totally agree with Calh60


I don't think your ranking is a direct reflection of who you are here at WA. Your business should come first. I see you have 61 posts and I only have 13 so far. So, you'll be fine.

Thank you for the support

Ranks go up and down. I will not be trapped with this. Helping others as much as you can while giving priority to your own business, is what I do.

Well said, I do agree with you.


Really hope it didn't motivated you Victor. I know we always have things to juggle and if your top priority is with your website and marketing, you are still on the right track. Ranking is very dynamic and sometimes it goes a bit out of expectation. So keep on what you need to focus on and if ranking is 'something' to you, I would suggest to spend 1/2 to one hour here everyday.
Hope everything is fine.


Good advice

You can lead by example by being working on your website, expand your business, add your own tutorials. Increasing your earning potential and go through the program. By doing this your rankings will go up automatically.

Your duty is to yourself and your business. Help yourself first before you help others. Ranking at Wealthy Affiliate is of secondary importance

Thanks for the encouraging words

Success isn't proven by your WA rank


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