The Time Is 9.35PM

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Now it's 9.37pm and I'm on a mission...just another mini-challenge to my self... I haven't even thought of a prize yet...a treat... I like marzipan..and marzipan made with almonds ? I feel many questions coming need to answer directly unless you feel an over-riding need to.

Headphones on with Mr. Oldfield plucking heartily upon his six string...such an understated behemoth of that even a proper word. I use phantasmagorical earlier tonight..really am pulling out all the stops...organ reference ? See, that's the thing, I'm always half done, I tend to know the first paragraph and not much else beyond.

I have finally completed a day where my list has been ticked off in its entirety. It seems to be quite a while since that has happened. It makes you feel like you are permanently playing 'catch-up' I mean, I'm not on the clock, no one is doing a 'Work study analysis' on me...just my own little job sheet.

Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start. Thank you, Mr. Rodgers... I may have used Mr. Hammerstein before, not many little time. Anyway, no point in speculating. It's Saturday, the start of what is the first major Bank Holiday weekend here in the UK.... The sun is out and the hoards are descending on the supermarkets for bread and meat...BBQ smells haunt the air...

The plan for today...need to check on my probation status... Is it 90 days or three months ? If it is the former then I am on my penultimate day...the latter, then two more days to go... Whoop, time to throw away the stabilsiers and freewheel into...where ? What's the protocol ? I think I might get another blog per day.....lucky you. Not sure what else, a badge or a gold mantel clock, either would be nice..time served and all that.

21.57...Twenty minutes 309 words..oh my. Mikes ramping it up now...the crescendo really is breathtaking... Back in the day before, Plantar Fasciitis and snapped ligaments, I used to run on the running machine with this blaring on an old Kenwood stereo... The piece is about 22 minutes long. I would add it to the end of a playlist.....if you timed it right you could turn the machine 'full chat' as the music would take you home. Outstanding.

So today I had to finish a 'post'...which as well as anything means I can move closer to completing Level Five on the OEC...why do we do it to ourselves...secretly I know..not telling. If and when that was completed I had an engine bay that required my cleaning prowess, then it would be onto here for a wee not a blog about...never mind.

You have to get a head start to the Saturday or no, this morning I was up and at it... Dogs walked..ironing done..another CD listened to... Focus and changing 'States'...ring any bells for anyone ?...Mike ringing the Tubular Bells big style now as Ommadawn has finished.

Then onto checking e-mails and responding as when necessary.15 minutes of Live chat turned into an hour.. I'm not very good at. By the time I've found an answer to someones's disappeared...or been answered with an answer different to mine...mine obviously being wrong..good job I am slow. Mr.Misinformation that I am. So, that set me back a bit. No matter..onward we go.

Made some headway on the post then had to pop out for an hour. Back home and more typity typing...tip tap tip tap...Whenever I'm in here, and you hear me typing, tip tap tip tap, whether you don't hear me typing,...such a great film. So I managed to get to about 800 words before I needed to take a break and go clean some engine... Here's one a did earlier.

Tea interruptous, bath inconvenience, pick child up, nuisance...back to it. Finished post. Did a bit more responding...then on to here... Here I am.... I also managed to start reading my new book...first few pages at least. I do enjoy Charlie Parker...

This has been one big entertainment extravaganza... I'm looking forward to sleep... Have I missed anything out ? I'm not sure. It really was just a catch up for you..and me.

10.30...So under an hour..not bad. I set the bar pretty high for myself. not good enough for a treat though....bad robot...that's the last one. Plus I haven't added any images remiss.

Be well.

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Amazing you are!

You're very generous, thank you...all in a days 'chaoticness'

One list done, another list starts... ah, the excitement of it all!

Original meaning of 'list' was a strip of paper, or a border...then the strips of paper were used as part of a cataloging...looks like I have both on my desk....the pile never goes down.

whispers...light a match...

Oh how liberating that would be...Out with the bad air, in with the good.

You rocked your list! Sounds like a very productive day!

Yes indeedy. The last few days have not been quite as 'productive' yet still busy, so yesterday was a pleasure.

All the items on your list done. That's excellent! I wish I could have a day like that. I need to focus!

Thank you Mickey, they don't all go that way but it is nice when they do.

I love it. Reminds me if mine today. My wife was gone for a while so I was to myself on the computer. We share currently since my tablet died a few months ago. I used it when she was on and otherwise. I liked it before I taught her how to browse and only did email. lol! She is not involved in the business, except to motivate me more to be successful.
She works hard yet in 46 years only two places she has worked and worked well I might say.
I do the chores most of the time now, which is why I figured to get involved online.
Twack, I am amazed at the process you have to blog and complete everything else.
Have a great rest of the weekend.

Thank you Bill, glad you enjoyed the little excursion into 'ordered chaos'. I enjoy writing the 'blog' it is a form of relaxation. I also find it helps keep the 'juices' flowing and is rewarding in and of itself.
I made a commitment towards the end of January, to be 'present' here at WA...I'm all in, I don't see the point of doing anything'd never be able to gauge your results.
Last nights was another self-induced I have a benchmark for the future. If I have an hour spare, I've got time.

I had that exact old typewriter back in the day! it weighed a ton and it was old even when I had it.

My son has one, very similar but not the same. He just had one of those 'moments' when he thought it would be 'cool' to have and use one. We all know how that ended up.

Twack, you're such an inspiration. How you get so much done in a day is incredible. Well done for achieving an entire tick-off list in one day. That's not such a simple thing to do, but you did it!

I have reached a point where there is always something to do. The time to stop is at the end of the day.
Nice to see you Valerie.

I think you should go on the stage... Life Interruptus... maybe.

Still chuckling, but not sure what at... exactly. :-)

Never mind, it was good.


Thanks Lisa, I did a Stanley Holloway (Marriot Edgar) 'monolgue' on stage when I was at school..Albert and The Lion..that was fun.. Ee I am vexed.

Still chuckling. :-)))

Hi Twack, an action-packed day, and from all looks a productive one to boot.

Ticking off all the tasks set can be empowering and will get us toset that bar higher, step by step we all get there.

Couldn't agree more, over time we develop an inner 'clock' or 'scheduler'...well I do...that allows to create a list that is achievable. It's all the other 'unaccountables' that put the pressure on. Still, when you do it, it is reward in itself.

I have to agree with that one, finding that spot where we extend our capabilities is empowering living in that place where we are going to explode at any moment because of the pressure of that list is kind of unsustainable.

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