One Thing You Need More Than Anything Else
Already I can hear you....loud...what is it ? What is the one thing you need more than anything else? I've no idea why this blog has we are though. I'd read through some really poignant and uplifting posts this morning and I was 'ramped' is that the right word ? 'Wired' maybe.
I just asked my wife the same question, always good to bounce your thoughts of someone close by...although, as you can imagine, the amount of 'bouncing' she's had to put up with... she looks like a golf ball. Anyway, the answer was "I'd really like the house to be neat, tidy and fully decorated"... Yes I know but that's not what I was getting at...not that that's a bad thing, just not where I was going with this.
Ever seen 'I, Robot' with Will Smith ? Not as good as the Asimov books but entertaining. There's a recurring dialogue between Smith and a hologram of the late Dr.lanning. The hologram can interact but there are conditions...easier to see the quote:
"I'm sorry, my responses are limited. You must ask the right question."
So, no matter how many questions big Will asks, he will only get answers to questions that the holograms' database is able to answer... If he asks him what the weather was like then it would be same response as above.
So, tangentolology aside, we go back to the question..originally I had my own answer and that was the premise for the blog. Now I have started writing and thinking, those two things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, I have decided to let the question 'hang' so to speak.
There is no right answer...sure, I could list of a load of things that might make your day better. Though some of you would dismiss them, quite right to, we're all different. Our needs for a happiness vary and our very diverse... Some would just like to wake up each day and see the sun shine...or to have no rain...or it to be warm...not to have a 'bill' on the floor by the front door. The list is endless.
I used to think it would be nice that when I arose at 5.30am the one dog, downstairs, wouldn't start whining...only to discover at some point that the only time he didn't was when there was a 'present' waiting for I hear him whine and breath a sigh of relief... Interesting to have a different association....he still whines....and I'm happy.
My initial answer to my own question was...a plan. Simple, a written or mental list of all that I wanted to achieve...and before you say...what about when you don't tick all the items on the list off ?...fair question.. I don't care..why would I, it's my list and is there for positive reasons...not a chance I'm going to link anything negative to it...that's counter-intuitive. I think. So the list doesn't get done every single day..whoopy doo... I've still managed to complete 'x' amount of tasks and feel better for doing so. Then on the days I do everything..PARTYTIME... Somebody stop me...
There you have it, short and sweet, as you like it. So rather than me tell you what I think you need everyday...tell yourself...and is there any reason why you can't have it ? If it means so much that it changes how everyday feels for you...make it happen. I have... I look forward to going to bed knowing that I will be waking up to a brand new day, one I have never seen before, one that is full of hope and optimism...I greet each day full of anticipation.
Have a wonderful day, week, month,'s in your hands.
Be well.
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My favorite part of the entire post is; " I will be waking up to a brand new day, one I have never seen before, one that is full of hope and optimism"
As for what I need? I don't need anything. As for what I want? Oh My, the list is too long. Have a great day my friend.
Thank you Laura, the day is just ending here, which is good, as it will be morning soon and I can start all over again. Have a wonderful day yourself.
Ever wish you could gat your dog a transplant and eliminate the morning presents? My father never got sleep in even on New Year’s or his birthday
Hope & Optimism is the only way to start each day... if we start with less, we achieve less.
Zen Squirrel
Let me just have a look in my bag....rustle, rustle...Here we go...disclaimer: I wrote this on Day 5 of my journey here. Need More Time? I Can Give You More Time.
That's good but I am way ahead of you. Must admit I do like my 4 1/2 - 5 hours sleep and not prepared to use an alarm clock for 15 more minutes.
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Great question...if I could have one thing it would be to reclaim my health.
Dealing with chronic health issues is time consuming, depressing and unpredictable which interferes with scheduling any activities. I never know if I’m going to have a good or bad day, it’s a toss of the dice.
I work hard to maintain a positive attitude, it’s the only way I can get through the bad days (that and some help from the pharmaceutical industry)!
Never take good health for granted!
You have an incredible determination to keep positive. 'Chronic' anything can be debilitating at best...If I had a hat it would be off by now.
Like my Grandpa used to say “I’m still looking at the green side of the grass!” I guess I get my attitude from him.