Avoid Trying to Create Viral Campaigns

Consumers and social media users are well-equipped to spot companies that try to manipulate or trick them. Most authentic campaigns tend to go viral. Viral campaigns must be accurate and reflect the company's culture.

You can't try to be funny about oil because people don't find oil funny. A campaign by an oil company about how they are trying to finance renewable energy or projects where they have had success in cleaning the environment might become viral.

It is vital to get to know your audience and relate to them where they are at and not try to force it. This way you will build trust and a following and showcase your brand and products in the best light. Aim to help and you can’t go wrong!


You can only gain trust and credibility by being loyal to your brand, engaging the right audience, and building loyalty from them.

Once you have mastered social media, you will be one step closer to your eCommerce Rubik's cube.

Here are some more tutorials to help you grow:

How to make content unique and build a brand.

How to set up a Facebook Business Page.

How to track website traffic using Google Analytics.

Lovely to see you here. Please leave a comment and a like.

Warm Regards,


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roysinOnline Premium
Very good advice again Lil :-). I love the emphasis on the importance of being present and diligent in responding to people who engage with you on your social channels.
That is also the reason that anyone shouldn't spread themselves too thin and do several social media platforms at once but build authority on one of them at a time if you are a solopreneur.

I have made that error and has not achieved the growth on social media as I wanted because I have been spreading myself too thin on way too many platforms.

Now I mainly focus FB and Instagram which is working fine.

Social media is for a reason "social" and as such the real human touch is needed for people to be interested in what you offer.

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely Roy. I tried the scattergun approach when I first started and you just run around a lot and get nowhere.

I focused on Pinterest first and once that was running I added more. I also use Blog2Social to schedule all my posts to go out to FB, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, and Twitter.

roysinOnline Premium
Pinterest is a great starting point. I use Social Post Magic for my scheduling.

Are you satisfied with Blog2Social?

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Very satisfied Roy and it saves me a mass of time. I schedule my posts up to a month in advance.

roysinOnline Premium
That is great! I do the same thing with Social Post Magic. They don´t have Pinterest support yet, but it is in the pipeline.

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Awesome Roy.
They sound terrific I will check them out. Thanks.

Lily 😁🎶
MYJones Premium
Well done, Lily. I appreciate the helpful information :-)
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Margaret.

Zoopie Premium
Very nice Lily
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thank you Stephen.

RCanty Premium Plus
Lily, great information and pointers on social media!

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks Canty.
Lily 😁🎶
BrendaMZ Premium Plus
I find it hard to deal with social media. Best to work with a few platforms that gain traction. Every marketers need to choose what works best for them. Great tutorial. I learned something new from this training. As always, geez, where do you find the time to do all this? It’s amazing what training content you have given us value.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I'm so pleased that you found a few new tips, Brenda.
My days are a little full. Lol
