Writing Readable Content: Additional Tips

  • Keep your readers in mind when creating content.
  • Identify your key audience. This tutorial will limit it to the education level of your audience. Higher education means more complex text can be read. But that doesn't mean readers who have a university degree aren't eager to read complex content. Do you need to reach a wider audience? Write at the B1 level.
  • Use short sentences.
  • Keep sentences active
  • Make a checklist of tips that you can tick off every time you write.


Textmetrics automatically checks the readability and complexity of your content.

Spoken Language vs. Written Language

A conversational style is great for enhancing the readability of your content. You can skip the hmms and uhs.

Readers can also view your blog post as a story that you are telling a friend. Read your blog post aloud to friends, and they'll be able to evaluate how it sounds.


A clear structure is crucial for any piece of content that is readable, as many different people will be reading your blog post.

Short paragraphs and subheadings make it easier to read large amounts of text.

Indirectly, clear and readable content can help you rank higher in Google search results. And your quality content will make it easier for people to buy your products or services.

People will read your content more easily if it contains popular words, short sentences, and an active voice. You will reach a wider audience with a simple structure, a clear font, and a conversational writing style.

Here are some more tutorials to inspire how you write content:

Use this content marketing checklist to write content that resonates.

Write unique content that stamps your brand.

8 ways to overcome writer’s block so you can get creative.

Thanks for visiting today. I hope you have found some tips to inspire you to polish your content for easy readability.

Warm Regards,


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abdzouga Premium
People will read your content more easily if it contains popular words, short sentences, and an active voice. You will reach a wider audience with a simple structure, a clear font, and a conversational writing style.
I loved the above paragraph from your post because it summarizes the most important points about text readability.
Thanks for the sharing.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks for your kind words Abdenbi.
Have a great week.
Lily 😊
Angell70 Premium
Hi Lily, that's so super.
You know, while I was reading I was thinking about what the university lecturers and assistant helpers preach to us a few months ago what they have always taught us.
That's exactly what you have stated in the training and you are perfectly right. I admit Is hard really hard but with commitment and not given up on your dream, your God? Universe power within you, everyone can make it.
I am pretty sure about this.
Thank you for this training
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are welcome Angel.
Keep up the good work.

Lily 😁🎶
emarla Premium
I found your training to be spot on, as usual. You make sure to cover every aspect of the topic. I appreciate great training especially if I can take away a handful of new ideas. Then I am a happy girl.
Thank you,
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I'm glad you are so happy Erlene.
More to come. Lol

JKulk1 Premium
Hi Lily. I believe that this readability is one portion of blogging that the WA training should endeavour to spend more time on. You have explained it beautifully. I personally believe that we should develop an interesting story with our headings and sub headings. Many people will read these headings first. They need to give an idea of the information being discussed in the body of the essay without giving it all away.
If these headings are interesting enough, people will read them and they will create a desire to go back and read the article more thoroughly . Keep these fantastic training sessions going. Jim
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Jim, thanks for your lovely comment. I agree it is a skill that needs more training here in WA from the very beginning. I guess they are trying not to 'spook the horses' as many people come to WA with little experience of creating a website or writing content (I know because I was that person.) But that said it could be covered about a quarter of the way into both courses I think, in a whole separate segment.

It is such a key element.

JKulk1 Premium
My pleasure Lily. I guess WA can't cover it all, they do a fantastic job as it is.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely. I love their training.
Lily 😁🎶
Senanelo2 Premium
Thank you for sharing.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You're welcome.

Lily 😁🎶