Publish Often.

When it comes to social media marketing, publishing more often is vital. You don't have to post something new each time, either. Remember that only a portion of your audience is going to see what you're publishing on social media when you do it. Therefore, you may need to post one thing more than once. This is especially true with evergreen content. You can use software to help, such as Missinglettr, which is automation software that will repost different blog posts at random for your audience.

Some ideas for publishing that increase engagement are:

 Ask Questions – Questions that are open-ended and invite more than a "yes or no" question are helpful. Remember, when your users answer the questions, that are also more fodder for even more content you can use.

 Post a Poll – Polls can be a great way to find out what your audience wants to hear from you regarding social media content. Social media content in the form of a poll helps you get to know what your audience wants to learn more about.

 Test Their Knowledge – When you're trying to bring the problem to light, a great way to do it is to ask questions that test your audience's knowledge. For example, "Do you know the average earnings of most real estate agents?" This might be a good question for someone who is selling marketing how-to for real estate agents.

 Ask for an Email Response – Showing your audience that your email is open to responses is a great way to humanize yourself, plus get to know what your audience wants from you. When you do publish, it's crucial that you follow up and engage with the users who respond.

Don't just let their responses go into thin air. Instead, take their answers and use them in more content development, to engage in back-and-forth discussion, and to humanize yourself so that you can build trust with your audience. Use Many Formats of Content When you're publishing different content based on the stage your buyer is in their journey, remember to repurpose all the contents you create into new formats. You do have to consider what the best structure of the content is for each platform. For example, Instagram and Pinterest are for visual content, Twitter can be for more text-based content, and Facebook can work with many types of content.

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Abumchi Premium Plus
Thank You!!
I've got the site, the posts and the pages - now I need to tackle social media and engagement. I'm an introvert so this is probably the part that scares me the most. This training has lots of points that will help me along the way. Thank you for compiling it.

SamiWilliams Premium Plus
Catherine, This is an interesting review of the whole process of Social Media Marketing. Sometimes it is difficult to remember all the ins and outs, and having a lesson like this is a good way to revisit the ways you can use social media.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
This was some excellent training and I will bookmark it for all the pears of wisdom I found.

I've been struggling with social media as I'm not a very social person but now I see that I need a better focused approach.

Thanks so much.
Lily 😁🎶
edhozubin Premium
Thanks again Catherine for providing another tool for the tool Box.