1. What is your page about?
Make a list of words which do discribe your page best. A couple of words, not just one word.
"modern bedroom furniture"
"jobs for people over 50"
Find the most important words in your article. What is your blog about?
We now have the keywords we want to use for ranking.
Hop over to the WA Keyword tool
Can you find a phrase which gives an answer to the problem people are facing? What would they ask?
First phrase: "modern bedroom furniture"
Cheapest modern bedroom furniture?
The best bedroom furniture?
Where to buy modern bedroom furniture?
(write the sentences you find down, you can also use them for your Subheadings and tags)
The second phrase: "jobs for people over 50"
Which questions would YOU type into the searchbar, with this second phrase?
Looking for a job for people over 50?
Online jobs selfemployement?
Online jobs for veterans?
Best job for people over 50?
Now, start writing down some questions related to your own page.
What would your visitor ask?