When you click on the Green Button you will see a pop out like the one in my photo. This is showing progress to the beginning of lesson three. Notice the Green You Are Here button and the green highlighted Making Money! Level 3 box. If you are just getting started the top box will be highlighted. As you work through the lessons and check the tasks the platforms knows where you left off and will bring you back to that point. At any time you can look ahead and look back where you've been. Also, I wanted to start over at one point so I unchecked ALL of the tasks and the platform walked me through a second time as I checked tasks over again while completing them. For now I suggest you stay on task and follow the green highlights checking tasks as you go. I will prepare something more in depth for this also another time when I talk about finding courses and training.
The next button and most commonly used by beginners is the Live Chat...
I have been poking around for a bit now and I did not know about the flags in chat. I did not know what they meant anyway. It is pretty easy to get lost or overlook some of the simple stuff that really makes the whole navigating and utilizing WA to its max potential.
I just recently started using the live chat more so that is very helpful information to know!
Looking forward to more tutorials.
Thank you!