Welcome to the first in a series of KISS (keeping it super simple) training of the Wealthy Affiliate platform and tools. In the photo below there are 16 numbered items. We will go through the first 5 of these items with a brief description of what each does. Later we will go through each one individually and cover them in a little more detail. What we do not cover here will have its own tutorial as they will require deeper explanation.
This of course may not cover any updates that come after the publishing of the tutorial;
Whenever possible I will make any needed changes as the platform evolves.
In this image you see numbered items 1 through 16;
below is a brief outline of them:
1) The Page Tab
2) The Search Bar
3) The Activity Dashboard Button
4) The Get Started Here and/or Certification Button
5) The Live Chat Button
we will only look at these 5 in this training but below
are the names and brief description of the other eleven.
6) The Site Rubix Button
7) The Affiliate Bootcamp Button
8) The Jaaxy Button (keyword tools)
9) The Upgrade Button (Premium and/or Yearly)
10) The Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program button
11) Your Network Button (to view followers and following)
12) The Notifications button (highlighted green when notifications present)
13) The Private Messages button (highlighted red when messages present)
14) The user creation button (create blogs posts and question posts here)
15) The Rank button (shows your rank and takes you to a list of top ranking)
16) Your User Settings button (easy path back to your profile page)
Also if you're just joining as a Starter Member you see a 7 day count down
ribbon across the top of the page. For now do not be concerned about that.
While I fully recommend and promote Premium membership let's just cover the
basics of getting around within the Wealthy Affiliate platform. Sound good? Good.
Let's look at item number (1) is the page tab....
I have been poking around for a bit now and I did not know about the flags in chat. I did not know what they meant anyway. It is pretty easy to get lost or overlook some of the simple stuff that really makes the whole navigating and utilizing WA to its max potential.
I just recently started using the live chat more so that is very helpful information to know!
Looking forward to more tutorials.
Thank you!