Stick to the topic on hand. If your article is about the benefits of an item you just bought, then do your best to strictly write about the benefits of that item. If you write about the top reasons to visit a country you have been to, stick to the reasons and don't go off giving a history lesson about the country, unless of course that's one of the reasons you think your readers should go and visit the location.

Your Readers Know What They Came For

Remember, when your readers arrive at your article, they are going to read it for a reason. If you write an article about why you should visit a specific destination, that is what they are going to want to read about, if that makes sense?


Let's say I write an article about The Benefits Of Giant Sets. I am not going to trail off the topic and discuss what giant sets are and how to do them. I'm not going to write about who created giant sets or anything like that.

I'll simply stick to the benefits of giant sets. If you trail off of topic, then you'll easily become distracted and will lose your flow. Always stick to the topic at hand.

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Sytemsinc Premium
Thank you so much!
TeamIceCream Premium
Hi Nathan
Thanks for sharing - bookmarked and liked! ;-)
Sharlee (Chocolate IceCream)
BarbaraBC Premium
Thanks Nathan. Great article. I have hit a "writer's block" these past two days, and needed some encouragement. This article was perfectly timed.
Best to you.
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you for sharing much appreciated

This will help a lot of people because commonsense is not common.

Have a great day

Rubberbandman Premium
That's a nice system you got going on. I sort of do the same thing but usually spend to much time on the research. Great advice and thanks for the great tips.