After I've created my bullet points and chosen my article style, it's time to expand on the bullet points. As a general rule of thumb, I don't spend too much time expanding on my bullet points. So, going back to my previous example (how to get big biceps), I might expand by doing the following:

  • Intro: Tell people why they would want big biceps and to read on to learn more
  • Exercises- Name exercises, such as barbell curls, concentration curls, cable curls
  • Routine- Do 3-4 sets of barbell curls, do six sets of cable curls, finish with 2-3 sets of concentration curls
  • Food to eat for big biceps- Name foods that are high in protein
  • Etc. . . You get the idea, hopefully.

Sure, the above may look messy, but it works for me. Remember, that is only a rough copy and still a blueprint. For me, when the time comes to actually write the article, things will begin to flow.

Writing The Article

When the time comes to write the article, I will write section by section. So in the above example, I would typically start off with the intro before moving onto the next section and so forth. My intro may look like the following:

I know a lot of people reading this want bigger biceps. Are you one of the? If so, then you'll want to know what exercises to do, what kind of routine to follow and what kind of foods you should eat. This article will address those things.

After I do the intro, I'll cross it off. Then I'll move onto the next thing, which would be exercises. It might look something like this

There are many exercises you can do to target your biceps. Personally, I believe the barbell curls, concentration curls and cable curls are the best of the best. Although, the barbell curls have been known to be the king of all bicep exercises, and I agree. If you want to get bigger biceps, then those are the three exercises you'll want to focus on

I know it might be difficult to understand how I create articles, but the more you practice, the easier it becomes. The above might work for me, but it might not for you. Feel free to tweak things to make it work for you.

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Sytemsinc Premium
Thank you so much!
TeamIceCream Premium
Hi Nathan
Thanks for sharing - bookmarked and liked! ;-)
Sharlee (Chocolate IceCream)
BarbaraBC Premium
Thanks Nathan. Great article. I have hit a "writer's block" these past two days, and needed some encouragement. This article was perfectly timed.
Best to you.
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you for sharing much appreciated

This will help a lot of people because commonsense is not common.

Have a great day

Rubberbandman Premium
That's a nice system you got going on. I sort of do the same thing but usually spend to much time on the research. Great advice and thanks for the great tips.