I know a lot of the info I talked about might seem like commonsense, and it is to a lot of people. But I implement my own advice and it has helped me (continues to help me) create articles rather quickly. Good luck and I hope it has helped you, too.

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Sytemsinc Premium
Thank you so much!
TeamIceCream Premium
Hi Nathan
Thanks for sharing - bookmarked and liked! ;-)
Sharlee (Chocolate IceCream)
BarbaraBC Premium
Thanks Nathan. Great article. I have hit a "writer's block" these past two days, and needed some encouragement. This article was perfectly timed.
Best to you.
Jadatherapy Premium
Thank you for sharing much appreciated

This will help a lot of people because commonsense is not common.

Have a great day

Rubberbandman Premium
That's a nice system you got going on. I sort of do the same thing but usually spend to much time on the research. Great advice and thanks for the great tips.