The PPC Power is a ranking system ranging from 0 to 10 based on the following elements:
- keyword search volume
- competition
- cost per click
The higher the PPC Power, the better the keyword is to advertise via PPC which stands for Pay-Per-Click. In many cases PPC power will be very low, however the keyword may be just right for your particular campaign. In our particular case, the keyword phrase reasons to love black cats has a very high PPC Power which is good.
I wish to remind everyone that you should always select your keywords based on relevancy and not on any other statistic. Am I sounding like a broken record yet?
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Lots of good information, as usual. I too will bookmark for now-my book marked items have sure proved useful! Wish I could keep up with you guys, but do appreciate the training that continues to come out.
Thank you Steph,good stuff...........I'll have to bookmark for now..............Marty