Create the Bottom Menu

8/ From the same page we were on, at the top of the page, click on the blue 'Create A New Menu' link to the right of the 'Select' button

9/ In the box to the right of 'Menu Name', type in a name for the menu. For the purpose of the tutorial we'll call it Bottom Menu. After you have typed in Bottom Menu, press the Enter button.

10/ Now you are ready to add the pages you want to be shown on the Bottom Menu.On the left hand side there is a section entitled Pages. Here you will see a list of the pages you have created in your website and they can be categorized in three different features, Most Recent, All, Search.

11/ In the 'Most Recent' tab, click in the boxes next to the Pages you want to be in your Bottom Menu.

12/ Once you have selected your pages, click on the 'Add To Menu' button further down below the scroll bar on the right side of the Pages section.

13/ Your selection will appear on the right side under the heading, Menu Structure. Here you can arrange the pages in the order you want them to appear in a horizontal line across the top of your website page. Just click on the page you want to rearrange and drag it to the place you want it to be, and so you can rearrange the order of pages.

14/ Once you are happy with the structure of your menu, click on the blue 'Save Menu' button at the bottom right of the 'Menu Structure' section.

Your Top Menu should look something like the one below:

Now that we have created the Bottom Menu, let's Manage the Locations

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Loes Premium
I have bookmarked this, a lot of new people are struggling with this Edu, thanks for this training, so I can just send over your link:)
TopAchiever Premium
Thanks Loes! You are a champion! BTW! I was just wondering how the Favourite Feature works, is the same as the Bookmark Feature or is it different?
Loes Premium
You mean the star on top? That's just a bookmark:)
JewelCarol Premium
Very good training, thank you Edu. ;))
TopAchiever Premium
Thanks Jewel! You're welcome. Glad you approve!
johnwnewman Premium
Great tutorial!
TopAchiever Premium
Thanks John! It was hard work, but I believe it will pay off in the end! Thanks for taking the time to take a look!
DarleneB Premium Plus
Thanks for the tutorial. When I go into manage locations, all I get is a Primary Menu. My Theme is WP 2012. I take it that I would need coding to get that bottom menu. I did check out a few you-tube videos which were of no help but I will try your suggestions above.
TopAchiever Premium
Hi Darlene, you're feedback is great and it makes me smile because I was looking for only 1 menu, and you would like to have 2. :-)

I think maybe that your theme, WP 2012 probably only has 1 menu by default. If you would like to have 2 menus, then change your theme to ProMax.

I don't know of any Plugins that would give you a second menu, but I'm sure there will be some kind of coding you may be able to add. There I'm not an expert, but maybe these links will help.
DarleneB Premium Plus
Thank you so much for taking the time to find the above links --- awesome. I signed up for code cademy. I will also look into ProMax. Once again, thanks.
TopAchiever Premium
You are most welcome any time!
stephhill Premium Plus
Thank you for offering this training on some of the many little quirks WordPress can sometimes have. Great job!
TopAchiever Premium
Thank you for your feedback Steph! Much appreciated.