How Often Do You Publish To Your Website?
In order for this to be monitored, you need to Publish To Your Website on a regular basis. To see how you are progressing in this function, do the following:
1/ Click on the light blue SiteRubixheading and then click on the SiteManager heading.
2/ Scroll down to the website you want to improve, and click on the View button to the right of the SiteHealth Needs Work heading. (This heading will change as the website's SiteHealth improves).
The page will open a new section that will help you to decide what needs to be improved.
We'll start with the Publishing Frequency
As asked, how often do you publish to your website? Are you doing it often enough for the percentage to rise to be 100%?
Make sure you publish regular posts, pages, and quality content to your site as well as update anything that is outdated.
Now that we've covered Pubishing Frequency, let's move on to Content Quality and Variety.
I have been through lots of critiques in my design careers; (interior design in school and web design from clients). Good feedback is not subjective comments like "It's too dark". That is a design preference statement. A more constructive statement would be like, "The text color is too hard to read with its background color-there needs to be more contrast".
Something like that about design principles and elements which also include layout, but are not limited to visuals. Even writing can be addressed. One thing I do and catch myself is to use the same words too often. So it can get boring and repetitious to do that and if that were pointed out it would be constructive and helpful to me.
I have seen some unimpressive web designs on the first pages of Google, (not anyone here . . . just when browsing), so I don't think the search engines see design but it is good to pay attention to it anyway, LOL.