Adding Courtesy inside an Image:

To be able to add text inside an image, you'll need a Graphics Design Software. You can use any program you want to do this. If you're a Photoshop veteran, use this. In this Tutorial, we're going to use Inkscape as this is the software I prefer over Photoshop.

Inkscape is a free Open Source Graphics Design Software. It's able to create professional and quality Vector Graphics, but also allows you to export and save images in any format you need.

You can download Inkscape using these links below. Click on the one representing your Operating System (OS).

Inkscape for Windows - Download HERE

Inkscape for Mac/OS - Download HERE

Inkscape for Linux - Download HERE

Once the download is done, install it by following the instructions given by the program.

When I start Inkscape, it looks like this. The workspace is way too small and I always like to adjust it in a way where it works best for me. You can apply the same changes or play around until you find the ones you're comfortable with.

Depending on the size of the image, I change the percentage (%) of the resolution as I find 35% is too small. Usually 100% will do and fits most images. You can leave it as is or change as you want. I also fullscreen the window to have a bigger workspace. See image below

In the middle of the window you see a rectangle. This is called Page Border and it can be very handy when you're creating website headers and/or banners as you can resize this rectangle to any sizes and use as reference.

However, we're adding a Courtesy Text within an image, so we can delete it as it isn't needed. Click on "File" and then "Document Properties". A new window will open up. If you want to use a Page Border, you can either change its size or leave as is.

If you want to hide it, uncheck the box next to "Show page border". Any changes will apply immediately. Once you're happy with the settings, just exit the window by clicking the red "X" in the upper right corner of the "Document Properties" window. See image below

Now you're prepared and the next step is to import the image you want to add Courtesy to. You can do this by clicking "File" and then"Open". I don't prefer this method as it seems to change resolution percentage (%) and the image seems to get a little blurry.

I prefer to import my images. This won't change your Document Properties and works just as good, if not better. Once again, we go to "File" and then "Import". Clicking on "Import" will open up a little window and asking you how you want to import your image. Make sure "embed" is marked and click "OK". See image below

Once your image is imported, we need to write the Courtesy Text. In order to write, we need to activate the Text Tool first. Simply click on the big "A" in the left Tool Panel. When it's highlighted in blue, then the Text Tool is activated.

You can click anywhere in the window and a thin blinking line will indicate, that Inkscape is ready for you to write the text. With the resolution percentage (%) set to 100%, I usually start out with a font size of 40. I find this quite huge and lower it to 20. Write your Courtesy Text.

To change the Font, Font Size, Style and Spacing, click on the big "T" in the upper Tool Panel or change it directly in the upper left corner. If you clicked on "T", hit "Apply" when you're done with the changes. See image below

Now we have the image and theCourtesy Text. The next step is to combine them and convert them into one image. We need to activate the Selection Tool (highlighted in blue in the left Tool Panel) and click on the text. All you need to do now is drag and drop the text where you want it.

I like to have the Courtesy Text right underneath the image and centered. I moved it there. See image below

Once you have the text where you like it the best, we need to group the text and the image together. To do that, we need to select the text and image with the Selection Tool. Once this tool is activated, click somewhere outside of the image, hold left mouse button and drag to the opposite side diagonally.

You'll notice a square as you move the mouse cursor. Make sure, that the text and the image are within this square and let go of the mouse button. Text and Image are now selected and can be grouped. Click on "Object" and then"Group". This will combine both and turn into one image. See image below

All we need to do now is to save our image with the Courtesy Text. The usual way is to go to "File" and then"Save As". We don't want to do this as Inkscape would save the image as a Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG File). WordPress doesn't allow you to upload SVG files for security reasons.

To save our image as PNG or JPG, we need to export it. This is done by clicking "File" and the "Export Bitmap". A window will open up, allowing you to finalize the settings for your image. Click on "Browse" and select the location where you want to save your image. Click "Save". Now click "Export" to actually get the whole process completed.

If you forget to click "Export", your image won't save. It's exported as a PNG file by default and you can leave as is, as WordPress supports this. See image below

That's it. If you've done everything right, your image should look something like this. All you need to do now is to upload it to your website and add into your post/page. See image below

Ready for the last Tutorial? Click "Next Page" below. :)

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Labman Premium Plus
Well done, this covers the topic quite nicely. Thanks
NicoleJBN Premium
You're welcome and I'm glad it is of help. Thanks for your feedback.
MarionBlack Premium
Thank you for this training. I have been unsure of where to put the Author Courtesy and now I know. ~Marion
NicoleJBN Premium
You're welcome. Author Courtesy has been something I came across many times as I started out with my websites and it was hard for me to find any images for free which I could just use.

Needless to say, free images require a Courtesy and I'm glad this Tutorial is of benefit to you.
TammiR Premium
I really appreciate this training.
NicoleJBN Premium
Thank you. :)
AdvanStart Premium
Some great advice thanks Nicole. How do can you tell if you're allowed to use photos freely from other site? For example if you screen capture a picture from a site that has no clear page outlining copyrights for images?
NicoleJBN Premium
I wouldn't recommend to screen capture any images you see online as most likely they have been bought by the webmaster and you usually won't know the real author. If you then in good believe would screen capture the image and add the Courtesy to that website, you may run into Copyright Issues.

If you can't see the author name and a link/reference to the license, then don't take a screen capture. If the image is shared freely for anyone, then it will say so in the image description.

You're save when you only use the free downloads from featured websites such as the ones Kyle provides here...

...or from the ones I recommend on Page 6.

They show author and the licensing and usually provide you with an example of how to credit the author. Add it to your image and you're on the safe side.

Hope this helps and thanks for your feedback.
Avecita Premium
This is a fabulous training and just what I've been looking for! Perfect timing. Thanks
NicoleJBN Premium
You're welcome and I'm glad it's of help to you. Let me know if you need any help. :)