Here's a quick walkthrough of the update all website owners have to perform in their Google Analytics to review/accept the amendment to the data processing terms for GDPR compliance AND provide their contact details, before May 25th. *This is different from the Data Retention Controls that google sent out which people could ignore.*

This is real easy but myself and another WA member Philip just went through it and we both managed to take a couple of wrong turns along the way so here it is with signposts!

You will see the mandatory email google analytics sent us has a step 1 and 2:

Step 1: Review and accept the updated data processing terms in each account for each product you manage in the Google Analytics Suite

Step 2: Provide your legal entity and contact details for notifications we may need to send under the GDPR

I will walk you through the steps involved here and include a full copy of that email sent to us by google analytics at the end of the tutorial for reference.

*Note this is for regular google analytics as well as their 360 suite, the email heading has their colorful 360 suite logo on top but in the small print you'll see analytics and 360 follow the same path here.

**For those in America and Canada I'm hearing a couple of people say google analytics sent you the Data Retention Controls review for adsense email but maybe not this email for Amendment to Data Processing Terms - in their small print on the contact details page during step 2 it does say it applies to 'those outside the EEA where the GDPR reaches' which is anyone with European traffic. When you go through the steps it will update.

Next page Step 1.1 of Review and Accept the Amendment to the Data Processing Terms for GDPR

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MJ_SNAR Premium
Thanks for sharing! Good to know!
Isabella4198 Premium
Thanks MozMary. Does this apply to me, I am in the US and I do not promote products outside of US.
MozMary Premium Plus
GDPR does apply to the US and other non-european countries, because traffic is global including europe for most websites

go into your analytics admin and follow through, if those instructions are there then click them - if they are not then let us know

All of their instructions were a bit muddy, so on the page where we fill in contact details they say 'all european economic area AND anyone the regulation reaches' see how muddy that is - because GDPR reaches everyone, yet they did not commit themselves

if there is a button in your analytics asking you to accept then do it, if not then fine - but go in and look
Isabella4198 Premium
Thanks again MozMary.
ccapo Premium
If we have not received this notice should we just go ahead and do this?
MozMary Premium Plus
yes, if you have google analytics just log in and go ahead to admin and follow those instructions, you'll see the review and accept button - if they are not there then you'll know you don't have to do anything - let us know

emails can get lost in spam folders sometimes
ccapo Premium
All done thank you Once again this is what makes WA a great place to be and be apart of.
phakacha8 Premium
Thank you so much for taking your time to make this tutorial very simple and clear.
By the way, I've not done anything for the GA 360 Suite for fear of falling into errors.

You may kindly do one for beginners in your next tutorial.

Thank you so much for sharing this useful stuff on GDPR Acceptance.
MozMary Premium Plus
This is the beginners version, the regular google analytics.

The email they sent out has 360 suite on it but also analytics in the same pathway

if you just follow the login to all website data and admin you'll navigate to the update agreement
phakacha8 Premium
Sherion Premium
Thank you so much.