The Fail-Proof Solution
If you are still not satisfied with your results, there is one more option. There is a silver bullet. You already know the best way to get over writer's block. You've avoided it all along because it's exactly what you don't want to hear. Just write!
Start somewhere, a card to your mother or a friend. A few lines! Say something! See what happens. Do not think about it or make fancy announcements. Get started and write. You don't have to be articulate or presentable. It just has to be written. Let people hear your voice. Write passionately on a social blog.
Write because you love writing. Do not stress to produce or say anything. Just get words down on paper. There are no excuses and soon you will be writing as easily as you breathe.
Writing is possible. Don’t make it more complex than necessary. Simply type a few words. You don't need to write them well (all first drafts need polishing). You just have to write. Once you have it written, you can go back and polish it. Correct spelling mistakes, add some more punctuation and polish sentences.
Install Grammarly Free to pick you up with words and structure (everyone needs a gentle reminder).
From there, you can make adjustments. This will help you get through the hump. Professionals are uniquely different from amateurs: While both experience blocks, one has found a way to move on while the other becomes paralyzed.
Remember, only you will see your writing until you are ready to publish it. Practice makes perfect but if you never start how can you improve.
Here are a few tutorials to help you grow in your business.
Find a copywriter to help you break the drought and get articles on your website.
Create unique content and build your brand.
Find trending topics to write about.
I really hope that you have found at least one way to get yourself writing and learning skills to get a steady flow going for your website.
Drop me a comment and let me know what worked for you.
Warm Regards,
I think it's a problem we all have now and best time to work out an idea that I want to write about is to think it over right after I go to bed. My mind is not stressed with all the happenings of the day; my body is relaxed; sometimes the ideas just flow. I keep a notebook by my bed so I can jot down ideas to use the next day. (Just use a pencil, not a pen, and then you can write while lying down...)
I've learned the value of creating a layout for my content. If you create a layout, you can tackle each heading (topic) individually and take a break without fear of losing your ideas.
Thanks for the excellent training and tips, Lily.