Eight Ways to Beat Writer’s Block

1. Go on a Hike

Overcoming writer’s block is not just about being able to get work done, it’s about learning how to be creative and get it on paper.

Literally, I walk around it. To get my brain loose and more approachable, I'll go on long walks or trail runs. It might take several minutes or a few hours before I can start writing scenes in my head while I walk down the trail. Or get in the garden and pull those weeds and plant some seeds. I often write whole articles in my head while I am enjoying some exercise and sunshine.

2. Write It Out!

Working on a non-related writing project is what you can do to solve writer's block. Even if you’re only doing research or editing, diverting your attention to something else will often restart your creative process. The block will disappear when you return to your original project.

At the beginning at Wealthy Affiliate, I was uncomfortable writing 300 words in a blog here but I did it, and slowly that grew. I remember thinking I would never be able to write more than 1000-word articles and now I write 2000-word articles. So, give yourself time to grow.

3. Write Something

Create an appointment to return to it and then write something down. Write about an event that happened to you as a child, the way you would tell it. Write something that you wouldn't let anyone read and then delete it. Talk to yourself. Pretend that you are interviewing yourself and write it down.

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FKelso Premium
Very thorough information, and definitely some ideas that can help overcome the writer's block problem. I've had great luck with the technique of just writing...let the words come out; you can do any editing later. Just write about anything to get started.

I think it's a problem we all have now and then...funny...my best time to work out an idea that I want to write about is to think it over right after I go to bed. My mind is not stressed with all the happenings of the day; my body is relaxed; sometimes the ideas just flow. I keep a notebook by my bed so I can jot down ideas to use the next day. (Just use a pencil, not a pen, and then you can write while lying down...)
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Fran,

That's an excellent idea, I will try it.
Sounds like fun.

Lily 😁🎶
RogerMackley Premium
Hello Lily, liked your blog on writers block, especially the term creative constipation, that's a sticky subject. My morning coffee is my inspiration. I also love walking the dogs, but it's way to hot in Texas. A couple banana peels in the hole before the roses does well, we have learned. Enjoy the rest of this wonderful Sunday, and thanks.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Hi Roger,
Yes, I love walking my dog and doing a spot of weeding to get relaxed and creative. I will try the rose tip as ours never look totally happy.

Have a lovely Sunday.
Warm Regards,
RogerMackley Premium
You do the same, Lily.
RikaSF Premium
Perfectionism is my greatest enemy, but I'm learning just to let it go and don't overthink everything I write about.

I've learned the value of creating a layout for my content. If you create a layout, you can tackle each heading (topic) individually and take a break without fear of losing your ideas.

Thanks for the excellent training and tips, Lily.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
That is a great plan Rika. I work the same way, using an outline with subheadings to keep me flowing and focused on the key points.

Warm Regards,
baughsten Premium Plus
Always good to read your posts. Out.out damn writer’s block.
Very inspirational. Thanks very much for your work.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
You are so welcome.
I'm always glad to share and help.

Lily 😁🎶
Parameter Premium
Hi Lily,
You are very on point. Fear and desire to have the article perfect be for hitting the publish button are reason why we can feel exhausted as if there is nothing else to achieve. While are lots of content to write out.
Thanks for this highlights

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I'm pleased it resonated with you.

Lily 😁🎶