What I Use Instead of Photo Shop
There are quite a few programs to manipulate and manage images, add text and modify images. I was baffled as to how to do this for a short period a few years ago. I just could not figure out how to change the photos. .
Of course, everyone pointed to Photo Shop. Too too complicated for me, I am not that smart, plus I never took the time to focus on it. Always seemed way too complicated for me. In retrospect, pure laziness.
Then I stumble across this program and I never looked at the photo shop option again.
Now after a few years I can safely recommend this tool to anyone with Photo Shop blues. It is so much easier to modify photos making them say exactly what I want them to say.
For example, here is a photo that I added the text to promote my niche
This cloud based image management program is absolutely free and you can use it without signing up
A very useful and always available tool.
Go to https://pixlr.com/
Recent Comments
Yahoo! I need something that is easier to use than Photoshop.
I can't wait to try it!
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Thanks Tony, I am currently using Canva, but another member, Rika, suggested Excel as an option. She did create training so you can look it up. I will also give it a try.
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I have no mind for design. And Photoshop is beyond me. Thank you so much for the link. This is life changing!