Wealthy Affiliate Membership Changes - Time To Clean Up?

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Hello My Friends,

I'm sure you've seen Kyle's email about the upcoming changes in membership as it relates to hosting. These changes take effect on March 16th, about twelve days from now. I thought I'd take a moment and share some of the things I'm doing to make sure information I share is accurate and also make life a little easier all around.

If you're promoting WA I'm sure you have a WA and/or SiteRubix review page that will need to be updated. However, if you're like me, you may also have sprinkled the current WA hosting plan among older posts (when I didn't know any better). You know, 2 free for starters and 25 free, 25 of your own for Premium...

I did a little search across my MMO site and found a number of posts that will need to be updated to reflect the new plan, 1 free site for starters and 10 for Premium. So, yeah, what a pain in the royal beehiny.

To prevent this type of thing from happening again I am doing several things while I make these changes.

  1. Updating my reviews to reflect the changes.
  2. Make sure I'm sending visitors to my WA or SiteRubix reviews where appropriate.
  3. If I abolutely have to make a reference to WA benefits or hosting without sending the vistor to my review, I've created a couple templates with the appropriate wording that I can insert that with a simple shortcode. Next time, I just update the template vs searching my site. :)
  4. Although unrelated to hosting, I had already begun to use a template for my signature section in my posts. I decided to start including a picture and a PS in my signature, so I made a single template to use there too. So I'm using the shortcode for that on any post I edit as well.

This will make things a little easier next time changes need to be made and I won't have to go searching my posts again.

If you're interested in how to use shortcodes to insert template content into your posts, there's a number of ways to do it.

I use Elementor and a nifty plugin called "Anywhere Elementor". This plugin allows you to insert elementor pages, sections, templates, etc. anywhere in a page or post using shortcodes. You can insert these shortcodes in the classic editor, Gutenberg (Block Editor), or Elementor.

For those who don't use Elementor, there are other methods and plugins you can use, maybe even included in your existing theme. You can also do a quick Google search and you'll find numerous examples on how to do this using other plugins and/or templates.

That's it. If you're making other changes to make life easier, please share.



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Hi Michael
Yes there's a bit of updating to be done!
Your plugin sounds like a good job.


Thanks for the timely reminder, Michael!

Appreciate this Michael, I haven't read Kyle's post yet, best I get on it.

Yes, Twack--there goes the idea of our combined internet empire of 50 websites!πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

You'll be grandfathered in at the 25/25 you already have. So don't lose hope 😁

Thanks for the timely reminder, Michael.
Rich :-)

Thank you Michael will look at those plug ins, they will be handy and time saving.
I have already updated my site that promotes WA but it will be handy for the next time. Thank you for sharing.

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