How to create your Own GPT

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What is a GPT

A GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. In simpler terms, it is an artificial intelligence system that has been trained on vast datasets to generate helpful content and output.

Some key things to know about GPT


  • They are machine learning models that have learned patterns in vast amounts of text data. This allows them to complete written tasks like answering questions, summarizing articles, translating languages, writing original content and more.
  • The most widely known GPT at the moment is called ChatGPT. ChatGPT was created by AI research company OpenAI and publicly launched in November 2022.
  • There are also options to create custom GPTs focused on specific topics or writing styles using ChatGPT's training tools. This allows for personalization to suit individual or business needs.
  • GPTs require fine-tuning and clear human guidance to produce helpful, targeted results. They are considered intelligent assistants rather than standalone automated solutions.
  • Current popular uses span content writing, customer service, transcription, translation, coding assistance and data analysis, but their capabilities are rapidly evolving across industries.

What are The Advantages of creating your own GPT?

Creating your own personalized GPT focused on your specific niche or business needs comes with some major advantages over relying solely on the generic, one-size-fits-all ChatGPT model. Developing a custom assistant tuned to your goals increases your efficiency, accuracy, and also your productivity. Your productivity increases because the replies are tailored to your requirements and need less editing. Note I said less editing and not no editing.

The key benefit is that a niche-specific GPT has increased relevance to your actual work. By training your automated assistant exclusively on datasets related to your field or industry, whether marketing, legal, medical, or other verticals, it becomes hyper-targeted to generate outputs precisely suited for those topics. Instead of wasting time wading through and discarding irrelevant generic ChatGPT responses, your customized GPT delivers helpful, on-point suggestions and drafted content tailored to your domain immediately.

Also, building your own GPT allows you to define various personalization parameters for total alignment with your brand image, style, and communication preferences. You can name your assistant, upload a logo or image that suits your look and feel, specify writing tone and voice aspects, define interaction approaches, and really customize it to perform and appear like an extension of your team rather than some generic bot. This level of tailored branding boosts reliability and trust in the eyes of end-users who see your GPT as an authoritative voice on your niche versus hit-or-miss general AI.

Finally, creating a specific GPT grants you better quality control during the configuration, testing, and training phases. You can carefully craft prompts for consistency, set ethical limitations, establish quality standards aligned with your niche, typical workflows, and protocols, and keep fine-tuning until the GPT delivers reliably helpful outputs. This hands-on specialization and supervision early on again saves countless hours of having to fix haphazard generic AI content down the line manually.

OK stop messing around, Catherine, and let's get down to the juicy bits. Like how do I do this.

Creating Your Own Custom GPT Assistant

Building a tailored GPT to suit your unique needs and goals is remarkably straightforward using ChatGPT's customization tools - no coding required. Just log into your ChatGPT account, click "Explore", and you'll find the user-friendly custom bot builder interface.

Getting Started

The left pane walks you through creating a new assistant via simple conversational prompts. First, describe what you want this GPT to do in a few sentences. For example: "I'd like my GPT to specialize in generating survival and prepping content like articles, emails, and product reviews."

ChatGPT suggests naming it something fitting like "Survival Sage" and choosing a relevant profile picture. You can tweak these details later. Next, specify the exact role, areas of expertise, specialties, and scope you want it to focus on. Customizing the abilities from the start allows hyper-targeted performance.

Personalizing Your Assistant

Key prompts enable deeper customization too. Define which topics and sensitivities to avoid and emphasize. Should your GPT take an authoritative stance or defer to users? What about tone of voice - casual, friendly, serious, or academic? Mold the personality to align with your brand.

Testing and Configuring

The right pane becomes your GPT testing workspace. Try various prompts and assess if the content suits your standards, adjusting where needed. The Configure tab allows modifying name, image, description etc. Upload niche training documents so it better understands concepts related to your field as well.

Examples of Niche Training Documents

Survival/Prepping Niche:

- Wilderness survival guides (e.g. Edible plants, shelter building, navigation)

- Homesteading resources (e.g. Gardening, raising livestock, food preservation)

- Prepper articles and blog posts (e.g. Grid-down tips, SHTF plans, bug-out bags)

- Product reviews of gear (e.g. Solar panels, water filters, emergency radios)

- First aid manuals or medical references

- Disaster readiness materials (FEMA, Red Cross)

- Off-grid living guides (energy, water systems, waste, security)

- Foraging books identifying edible foods in nature

Selling your Own Product

- Past campaign briefs & reports

- Product launch plans

- Competitor analyses

- Market research reports

- Brand style guidelines

- Copywriting samples (advertisements, landing pages etc.)

- Proposals and decks

- Keyword and SEO research

Legal Niche:

- Contract templates

- Case studies

- Law references and journals

- Legal forms and motions

- Client agreements

- Court decisions and filings

- Statutes and regulations

- Sample legal briefs

- Ethics rules and codes

I hope these give you ideas of relevant domain-specific documents to feed your GPT assistant for optimal niche-focused outputs! With a little imagination you can tailor these to your niche or use this prompt

"please give me examples of niche training documents in the xxxxxxxxxxxxx niche, my site is aimed at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I write product reviews, informational articles and emails.

Ongoing Improvement

Unlike static creations, your living GPT assistant constantly evolves. You can revisit configuration to build on the foundation at any time by tweaking instructions and retraining on new data for noticeable performance boosts as your needs change.

Sharing and Access

Once refined, click save to store your tailored GPT securely under your account profile. Share via private link or publish to ChatGPT's marketplace. Either way, it will now be accessible from your account dashboard for continued convenience and gains in productivity or profits.

Anyone can now leverage ChatGPT’s intuitive customization tools to build their own niche GPT assistant for tackling specialized goals without technical expertise. The use cases and monetization potential are vast. Why rely solely on broad generic AI when you can teach one to excel at exactly what you need?

REwritten from the original

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Recent Comments


Hi Catherine

Great review.

I have been creating my own GPTs with great results for a variety of use cases since the option became available in ChatGPT4. OpenAI has been removing many of the bugs that were initially cumbersome.

If and when we reach a point when AI can evolve autonomously, that’s when things are likely to become a lot more interesting.😎

AI is progressing faster than our robotic technology, but eventually the two will be effectively combined to give AI the ability to manipulate everyday things in the physical world.

Frank 🎸

That is for sure Frank

An excellent step by step guide on how to build our very own personalized personal assistant Catherine!

Can they successfully grow pomodoro tomato plants on their own though???

Will have to check that out I bought some Tomate Mandarinas last week they are really ugly tomatoes with lots of creases, but they taste divine and I dried the seeds . i am sure the seeds are heirloom seeds so they have never been genetically modified

Tomato Mandarinas? That sounds interesting Catherine!

Ugly definitely doesn't mean they taste bad Catherine!

Let me know how you get on with the seeds my friend!

I will indeed. And yes I celebrate their ugliness less people want to buy them

But... sometimes here, the uglier the fruit, the higher price they command!!!

Phil wrote about this too. I guess we all have the same collective unconscious that Jungian psychology talks about.

Thats awesome even though the title is the same, the concepts are similar in both of your posts. We have a great team of like minded individuals here.

Kudos to you and Phil for thinking it even miles away, enlightening the energetic brain waves! 😀👍🏻

Jung proved this theory right here! 😀

So he did, I only found it yesterday so I wrote it last night, but there was no power, sn not enough light to chack anyone else's post

Yes, I got that. Regardless of the situation, Jungian psychology proves its point. You're not the only one. I have written similar to most that other members wrote around the same time as mine. It happens. Great minds think alike. That's why I love being on this platform!

yes and I just love Jung being validated, it was worth the tedium of a psychology degree

This is great for newbies like me. Thank you very much.

You are welcome

It's posts like this that have kept me subscribed to WA since 2017! Thanks Catherine

Wow thank you Roger

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