How To Build Relationships in Wealthy Affiliate to roll the Snowball

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Building relationships within the Wealthy Affiliate community is essential for personal growth, learning, and potential collaborations. Here are some effective ways to build strong relationships.

  1. Engage in live chat. Actively participate in live chat. This allows you to showcase your knowledge. It also allows others to learn from you. It also allows a flood of PM'S with people asking questions. However, look long term with this, the majority of people that continually ask you questions are go getters. If you are a newbie just engage with other people by introducing yourself
  2. Provide Feedback. Use the Wealthy Affiliate feedback system to offer constructive criticism and suggestions on other members' websites or landing pages. Providing thoughtful feedback demonstrates your commitment to helping others succeed. This is not foe discussions on the content but for the construction of the websites.
  3. Provide Comments. This is very useful. I lot of people don't host here, but they still need comments. This is a very under used aspect of Wealthy Affiliate and those that use will be eternally grateful you spent ten minutes reading an article and crafting a comment. The give and take thread also allows you to get a reciprocal comment and in my opinion these comments are worth far more than the general comments you pay for.
  4. Request feedback. Ask for feedback on your own website or landing pages. This not only helps you improve your site but also shows that you value the opinions of other members and are open to suggestions. This is especially useful if you are just starting with landing pages.
  5. Collaborate on projects Reach out to members in similar niches and propose joint ventures or collaborations. This could include guest posting on each other's websites, creating content together, or promoting each other's products or services. Jeff and Mel became partners this way.
  6. Collaberate by Swapping Complementary Skills. This is my favourite by far. I am a creative through and through the nitty gritty side, the techie bit, not only bores me, but goes straight over my head. I used to have a collaberation that was super successful . I had a member create my websites and every time she did I wrote 20,000 words of content for her. A win win for everyone.
  7. Attend the live trainings. Participate in live trainings, to meet other members.
  8. Be consistent and reliable. Consistently engage with the community and follow through on your commitments. If you say you are going to help someone follow through and reach out to them. I don't just mean a comment , such as let me know you are going on, but send a PM and ask how you can help.
  9. Be Authentic. Communicate authentically. No one expects you to know everything. If you took all the knowledge of all the members and owners who went to Vegas, you would not have a pool of all the knowledge about making money online. Admit when you dont know. Better still point them in the direction of someone who can help them.
  10. My Second favourite, show appreciation. Acknowledge and appreciate the help and support you receive from other members. Express your gratitude through personal messages, public shout outs, or by paying it forward and helping others in return.

THis community works and you owe it to yourself to make the Most of it. These are only my ideas, please feel free to add your in the comments

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Catherine, some great tips and ones I know you follow as I've always appreciated your feedback and support when I've posted questions and your comments on blogs - thank you.

You are also right about a community where relationships are built. There are some people that I have met through here and talk to through PMs.

We have a great community be a part of it, embrace it and be willing to give to others.

Good morning Catherine,

Thank you for your blog post. You made some great points, Catherine!

I think it is very important to mix with members of the community and like-minded people. It's also very rewarding helping and encouraging others.

I must admit that I don't engage in live chat that much. However, I will often have the homepage of Wealthy Affiliate up on one of my monitors, so if I see something interesting, I will sometimes add something. It's a useful feature. I probably ought to participate more.

I probably ought to provide more feedback and comments for my own website, Catherine, but it's something that I don't use very often at the moment.

Have a great day.


Thanks for sharing this, but one thing I wanted to mention has to do with comments. I had actively used it in the past until something happened there that just turned me off of it and I had stopped using it for a few years. Let's just say that a comment I made for someone's post was rejected and the reasoning given for it still baffles me. Let's just say that asking about what the price was for what I thought was an interesting product being reviewed was the wrong thing to do.

That negative experience turned me away from Site Comments for quite awhile as I decided that I will only deal with comments from traffic I receive to my websites. With the introduction of HUBS and the brand new training, I have decided to go back and give Site Comments a try again, especially now that it's part of the training. So far, it has been a much more positive experience and now I think it should be used more here.

I believe the best thing to do is just make sure you read the article fully and stick to the critera that the person laid out for the type of comment they are looking for which should greatly help someone avoid getting comments rejected. I'm now glad that I've given Site Comments another try and like you said, more people here within Wealthy Affiliate should use it.

Thanks for sharing this insightful post, Catherine!


Thanks Mel

This is a perfectly constructed guideline for the rules of engagement in Wealthy Affiliate that leads to success. It's well worth printing out and pinning to the corkboard! Thanks, Catherine.

Glad you appreciated it Dave

I did, indeed.

Nice to see you, often helping on WA these days Dave

As I get closer to retirement, I will be here more often. I must hold back to keep a healthy WA: job balance. I have one year and four and a half months to go.

In the grand scheme of a working life, that's not long.

No, and of course, now that you've brought it up, maybe it's time to shift my energies more toward what will have more meaning for the rest of my life.

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