Firefighting Fun, My Day with Local Heroes, and Life-Saving Adventures

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This past Saturday was remarkable.

Not long ago, we had a fire at our place and were trying to extinguish it. Someone left an oiled pan on the stove, and they left it unattended; a good job, we have fire alarms.

By prior arrangement, I had the pleasure of meeting with the local firefighters for a two-part crash course in fire suppression procedures and for a local cause. I enjoy voluntarily participating in the community and playing a vital role.

I was shown the proper procedures for controlling the spread of fire, using water and foam to extinguish flames and reduce damage.

I also underwent training in the following:

  • Breathing apparatus
  • High-rise firefighting

I even tried the firefighter's pole, which was fun. I could spend all day going up and down, lol.

I also joined a paramedic team to coordinate an emergency response. Previously, I volunteered in a hospital (summer job while at college), sterilizing medical and surgical gear, and have been inside operating theatres. I tend to faint at the sight of blood and don't like the smell, so I could never be a nurse or doctor, lol. My folks did want me to attend med school, though!

Towards the end, they explained the aluminized fire suit (which has an astronaut-like appearance) that can withstand high levels of radiant heat, along with the breathing apparatus. They promised to demonstrate that on my next run.

They also shared stories about the lives lost in the line of duty while trying to save others and protect property. I really liked that part about "saving lives"—firefighters are selfless heroes.

First responders have always held a special place in my heart, but after Saturday, I feel even more attached to their cause. I deeply respect those who give their best despite the dangerous nature of the job, often leaving their families behind to protect others. They perform their duties to the best of their abilities.

Their readiness to confront fire-related and other emergencies makes them invaluable in protecting the public.

I'm waiting to hear when my second run will be scheduled. God forbid we face any natural fires, risking lives or property, but I would like to experience a real call to duty firsthand.

Honestly, I had a fantastic day. I had initially planned to spend the day working with F12 developer tools, specifically Consoles.

Have you ever done something similar? What was your favorite part of the experience?

(100% Human-written content)

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Recent Comments


Nice, I have several firemen in my family, both back east and here in California. Often unsung heroes, they are amazing.

Funny thing though, the fireman back east are like - oh hell no that wild fire sh*t is crazy, and the CA fireman are like - oh hell no that high rise building sh*t is crazy lol :-)

It was a very cool experience and post; thanks for sharing.

That's a great point you make. Your family members' contrasting experiences with wildfire vs. high-rise emergencies really illustrate how versatile and adaptable they need to be.

Thanks for sharing your insights here, Kerri. I have a lot more to learn... What I have done is really a tiny glimpse of what it is.

I appreciate you, Kerri! 🙏 Astounding feedback.


Great experience, Abie!

My grandfather was a fireman and then the chief for a total of 37 years in our community. I also have a cousin, who is a retired firefighter and a son who is a federal agent as well as a paramedic. I guess you could say first responders kind of run in the family. I have the utmost respect for all of them!

Thanks for sharing Abie!

Tim 🎼

Wow, that's really amazing, Tim! Who knew? Good job. I included such a post.

Thank you so much for sharing your family's connection. It indeed runs deep. I can only imagine the wealth of experience and appreciation for the work that your grandfather, cousin, and other relatives have done.

It's a great honor to be able to learn from your family's legacy of service.


Thank you, Abie!

Tim 🎼

You are most welcome, Tim!

I had the chance to visit a fire station during a class trip when I was little, Abie.

I remember the firefighters pole too!

But I was a bit disappointed when I didn't see any of those dalmatian dogs. I assumed ALL firefighters had a dalmatian at the station and accompanying them on those shiny fire trucks.

Isaiah 😁

AbieOi. What made you initially decide to participate?

Sounds like a Great Time Abie!
I was a Volunteer Fire Fighter for 5 years and a per diem firefighter for 9 months. Honestly I wish I would joined earlier. I still do a lot of cross training (Towing/Rescue) with the fire departments local to me.
Thanks for sharing and Have a Great Day!

That's awesome, Chuck! I'm really happy for you. I learned what a "per diem firefighter" is and found a job spec to enlighten myself. I can understand where you're coming from and feel your excitement.
Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your astounding feedback. I'd keep the momentum.
You also have a great day. 🍓🌶️

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