Do You Delegate, or Are You a Control Freak?

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(Header: An image of a business leader.)

Be honest now, lol.

There was a time when I was a confessed control freak, always wanting to have a hand in every detail. However, over time, I realized this approach was exhausting and limiting for my team. So, I decided to change. Here's how...

I delegate more to free up my time. I'm also not centered on one stationary location but relatively mobile.

Don't get me wrong—I am practical too. I don't mind rolling up my sleeves and getting right where the ACTION is, but I aim to empower my team by giving them ownership of tasks suited to their skill sets; I trust my team's abilities.

I told myself I needed to trust others where appropriate while demonstrating my ability to take charge and be hands-on when a situation presents itself.

I have become more flexible.

Now that I've shared my journey, I'm curious about yours. How do you approach delegation? Are you more of a control freak or a flexible leader? Let's start a conversation.


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Not only does delegating control do amazing things for you, but it is a great moral booster for your team. It shows that you trust them to get the job done. I hate micromanagers and always swore that I would never do that when I supervised my own team. It is bad for business, bad for the team, and bad for you. But, at the same time, you still have to be the captain of the ship and steer the crew in the right direction. You can make sure everything goes the way as planned without overpowering.

Good information here,


Good Day Abbie,
In my full time job I manage directly a group of 10 people, but I oversee about 40 company wide. I am very much a delegator. I learned from personal experience that being a control freak or micromanager will just make your employees angry and cause them to leave. I know I left my last job because of this.
Thanks and Have a Great Day!

Totally :) And spot on the mark... Let it go and enjoy the proceeds!!

Exactly 😉


Since I am a one person show, I delegate responsibilities to Me, Myself and I. Most of the time that works out pretty well. I long for the day when I can hire someone to help with some of the design aspects, but for now it's just Me, Myself and I!

I am glad you have been able to delegate and take into consideration people's skills!


It is also a cost thing, yup.

I tend to find myself wanting to delegate the stuff I do not enjoy doing, but at the same time I have got to know it is done right. I am learning though that my way may not always be the best way to get the job done (and that I am just stubborn and set in my ways). So that could be a benefit to delegation.

It is like, it is my baby, and I will raise them the way I want, but I need you to do the diaper changing and 2 am feedings.

That's my 2 cents anyway.


Stubborn is good. It means you are committed.

and also realisation for next time,


May I ask how many members are on your team? At what point did you realize you needed to hire your first team member? What tasks does your team perform?

I don't think I'm at that point yet, but I hope to be and I'm interested in hearing your voice of experience.


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