Month 2 and My First WA Sale! Yay!
I was so discouraged today. I've been so aggressive at this blogging adventure (now I'm at 60,000 words since 25 Jan), and it takes a lot to get a little in the beginning. Although I've written 32 articles on my new blog that I started 1 Feb, only a few of them are indexed--less than half. My search engine traffic is at 15-30 searches per day, and my email list has grown by 57 subscribers in the last 30 days.
Even with some great milestones, my #1 goal is SALES! I'm not learning to make money online just to tickle my ears or teach me perseverance. I personally don't have the patience to wait long periods without sales even with other probably metrics.
I made 112.25 in my first month, and since, I've been looking for my next sale. Now, it's been almost one month since my last sale, and I've had major clicks on many affiliate offers, but no sales, so I was getting very discouraged today.
Then, I got a message in my email inbox from Kyle saying "Congratulations on your first sale!". I thought he was referring to my previous blog post about 112.25 in my first month, but when I logged onto WA, my airplane icon said "299" instead of "300". I almost wanted to cry.
Sometimes, you can think you're losing your mind chasing success online, and it's the small successes that make a BIG difference.
If you're feeling discouraged, don't sit on it. Rethink what you're doing and how you can do better. Take some training (I took Jay's amazing training on Sales conversions today). Use the discontentment as fuel to get some work done, and believe the sales will roll in. It happened for me!
Recent Comments
Congratulations on your first sale. Amazing and in such a short space of time.
And definitely don't be discouraged - the traffic you are getting and the writing is amazing for one who's only been here a couple of months. Really, you are doing brilliantly well.
Have faith. It will all come together.
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Woohooo!! Tiffany, you are the bom!!
Trying to keep up with you!