About Susan4247
Rank 4727
224 followers Joined January 2019
I live in Chicago, Illinois and I am a bartender at night, but need extra money to pay my bills. I am a charitable





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Does anyone know how to properly put a sign up form for WA on my website? Or if you could steer me in the right education direction?

You can't add a sign up form for WA onto your website, you would need to send them to WA via your link to have them to sign up. The closest thing you could do is add the "Site Rubix Website Plugin" to your site (it's found on this page: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share/links)

Ok, thank you Dale

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Adding sign up forms for wa on my existing website?

Adding sign up forms for wa on my existing website?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Does anyone know how to properly put a sign up form for WA on my website? Or if you could steer me in the right education direction?

You can't add a sign up form for WA onto your website, you would need to send them to WA via your link to have them to sign up. The closest thing you could do is add the "Site Rubix Website Plugin" to your site (it's found on this page: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share/links)

Ok, thank you Dale

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi guys, lately when typing a blog, an outside advertisement attaches to one word in the paragraph. Anyone know how to get rid of it? I have been changing words, but it is ti

Hmm that's very odd. I would usually say it's a rogue bit of JavaScript but if editing the links & saving them is clearing it then it's potentially a rogue plugin instead. Did you add any additional plugins around the time it started occurring?

I just installed a security plugin after that. Only plugin I added around that time was a social media one.

Ahh, yes it'll likely be the social media plugin. Some of them (like Shareaholic) often come with JavaScript that can do this behaviour - but generally it can be disabled from the settings. I got rid of Shareaholic for this very reason.

Ok, thanks Dale, it is Social Pug

Hey Dale, which plugin are u then using for social media?

I *was* using social warfare pro but every update always contained a glitch so I removed that as well. Currently not using anything but will likely go hardcoded soon.

Hi Susan, that is not supposed to happen. Possibly a configuration problem. I would advise site support about it. All the best

This sounds like a hack cloak coding your content. I agree get site support.

Contact Site Support, your website may have been hacked

Do you have automatic display ads running?

I dont think so, how do o check that? Thank you

If you don't have AdSense then someone has hacked your txt codes.

Oh, so I guess I should continue changing words. Last week, support took care of it, thanks!

No get a security plugin to ensure your site is secure from further hacks...which is why I am wary of certain comments...I make sure to check if they are real people before approving them...this happened to me before and only found out in Google annalytics a small html link that I never added...and found errors in my posts.

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How can I stop ad from attaching to my text?

How can I stop ad from attaching to my text?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi guys, lately when typing a blog, an outside advertisement attaches to one word in the paragraph. Anyone know how to get rid of it? I have been changing words, but it is ti

Hmm that's very odd. I would usually say it's a rogue bit of JavaScript but if editing the links & saving them is clearing it then it's potentially a rogue plugin instead. Did you add any additional plugins around the time it started occurring?

I just installed a security plugin after that. Only plugin I added around that time was a social media one.

Ahh, yes it'll likely be the social media plugin. Some of them (like Shareaholic) often come with JavaScript that can do this behaviour - but generally it can be disabled from the settings. I got rid of Shareaholic for this very reason.

Ok, thanks Dale, it is Social Pug

Hey Dale, which plugin are u then using for social media?

I *was* using social warfare pro but every update always contained a glitch so I removed that as well. Currently not using anything but will likely go hardcoded soon.

Hi Susan, that is not supposed to happen. Possibly a configuration problem. I would advise site support about it. All the best

This sounds like a hack cloak coding your content. I agree get site support.

Contact Site Support, your website may have been hacked

Do you have automatic display ads running?

I dont think so, how do o check that? Thank you

If you don't have AdSense then someone has hacked your txt codes.

Oh, so I guess I should continue changing words. Last week, support took care of it, thanks!

No get a security plugin to ensure your site is secure from further hacks...which is why I am wary of certain comments...I make sure to check if they are real people before approving them...this happened to me before and only found out in Google annalytics a small html link that I never added...and found errors in my posts.

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