A huge and heartfelt thank you


I am blown away on a daily basis by the AWESOME WA community.

I have 20 years experience in web design...designing sites for existing businesses is nothing like what we are doing here at WA...sure the scripting and design elements are the same, but I had NO idea how much I still needed to learn to build a business for myself.

Most of the time that I've worked online has been a solo journey, always in it alone.

This community has reignited my passion for online business...I thought that passion was well and truly dead.

Not only have you supported me but the level of support you have poured out on my one and only referral is just amazing.

I am truly grateful for this wonderful community!

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If you seek success anywhere, you have to find the partner and people to support your journey, or you will have a very hard time accomplishing anything. I am since 3 years now designing web pages, applications, database structures, web-tools and solutions for people around the globe and am into education training, coachings and success support, I did this long time before for companies and now doing it with partners from Switzerland, America and Asia globally.

well done on all your successes Stefan :) and thanks for your comments :)

What a great post.
I love that I can work independently on this but it does get tough sometimes wondering if you're on the right track or whatever when you work alone.
I can see now the key to getting through that is going to be to get more involved in the WA community so I think I read this at the right time.
Nice to know even someone with a long background in the business feels the same.
Thanks Steviedean!

thanks for your warm comments :) glad I could help at just the right moment :)

Wouldn't it be cool if they made M&Ms; with that wood grain look?

ummm they would like good from a decorative point of view...but how on earth would they taste?? haha

About the same, with maybe a little extra fiber.


This is one of the major benefit we have here at WA. The support not only from the Co-founders and support staff. But also from our fellow members there are many truly awesome people here who are only too willing to give a helping hand.
We are WAUers to the core.

Take care

hehe to the core Andre :) love it! :)

In deed we are fortunate to be here . The community is totaly amazing . Supporting each other toward greater success .

well said sir :) the support is where the magic is Alexander :)

You're always welcome Stevie. Keep being awesome :)

nawww thanks Van :) you keep being awesome too :)


That's what makes WA so unique.

I agree :)

Strength in numbers my friend, strength in numbers. I like your graphic, did you use 3DS Max?

I like that :) the image was in my social networking folder...I can't take credit for this one :) but I like it as well :)

thanks for you post. It is nice to find a community that actually engage in discussion. It make a huge difference in all of our success.

yes...100% yes :) it's not a solo path...we get to walk the journey with lots of new like minded friends...it's wonderful :) thanks for commenting :)

Its funny, I feel the same. I worked in digital marketing for 10 years and I have learnt SO much more here already in two months than I learnt in years working in the business. So not to jump on your post, but thank you from me too!

there is more than enough room on this stage for both yours and my gratitude hehe you just gave me warm fuzzies :)

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