1st EVER Migration of Website!

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Out of Comfort Zone

As if being new to blogging wasn’t tough enough, I thought it was best to transfer my first website to Wealthy Affiliate and WordPress. This site was created a month before going Premium here, but it was on another CMS. Everything started out just fine and dandy, but after gaining more experience, I started noticing flaws and limitations with this cms. I tried asking their site support for help and even suggested new features that I thought would make things run smoother.

Meanwhile, I carried on with writing content to the best of my ability. After all, what did I know, I’m new to this, it’s probably me. 😳 I got up every morning at 5am, did my research and continued writing as per usual. I was in my comfort zone for the last 6 months with this cms and was scared to move it, even though I had started another site in the meantime here at WA using WordPress. I just became numb at some point, wishing I could make things better.

Well, I don’t know if anyone here experienced getting fired from a CMS, but that’s what happened. I don’t think they appreciated all of my inquiries and suggestions. lol They asked me to leave and that’s when the migration to WA started……

Website Migration

Started the site transfer on Monday the 19th, then began the tedious task of transferring all 35 Posts and 6 Pages individually. This process began on Tuesday the 20th and I just finished up this morning on Saturday the 24th…...whew!!

Tried my best to search the web and ask around to figure out if I could transfer a whole site, content and all, but had no luck. I did get an offer to do this if I payed $500, but I declined. All I can say is, that I’m eternally grateful to many in this community who helped me along the way. You know who you are! Sorry for being such a pain in the butt.


I’m so happy knowing my 2 websites are safe and secure here at Wealthy Affiliate! Finally, I can move on with creating new content. I love the versatility of WordPress and vow to learn as much as possible to make my sites even better than ever! Love this community!

Guess this was more of a venting session than a blog but I felt compelled to do it.

Thanks for reading,

Steve 😎

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Hi @SteveO324,

Congrat on your successful website migration.
I do have a website (also on wordpress) built outside of WA a few months ago which I was thinking of doing the same, but wasn't sure I will get the support here since it wasn't built here before.

Do you mind giving me a hand/instructions on how to go about doing it, please?


Hi John,

Take a look at this article which I think answers your question:

Hi John. For you , it’ll be a lot easier since you already have a Wordpress site. My other site was on a different CMS. I would look at the link that Mark sent you. Let me know if you have more questions and I’ll do my best to help.

If your site has content, you need to contact site support for further instructions.

They will typically ask you for FTP info and your domain name; they'll set up a siterubix subdomain and upload files. Then, you can check everything is okay before you point your domain to WA servers.


Ask site support to migrate it here for you, they need the URL Username ans password

They couldn’t do it because it wasn’t on Wordpress.

Oh! Where was it then? If you do not mind me asking lol

Jetpage was my old CMS

I see, yeah! I heard of it before but never tried it. There was also another member here inquiring a way back. Thanks! :)


Thanks @TheAbiePPlus and everyone who replied :)

One more question if I may ask:
Does it cost anything to move it across?
Because I've already paid for the full year on the other side and also the autoresponder (Awebber)


It made me renew my domain before transferring even though I purchased it back in February.

Nope, no cost; you're a premium here, so you have hosting enabled.

That's fab and way to go! I appreciate the sharing.


I'm glad you got it figured out. I don't think I would have paid that much either. But you progressed and now you can put it behind you and make some waves. WOOHOO 🎉

Great going Steve and all the very best moving forward my friend! :-)

That’s a great work Steve, you are doing well and keep pushing forward.

Nice work, Steve! 👍😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks Frank!

You’re welcome, Steve. 😎

Nice one Steve, glad to hear the migration went well for you! :)

Thank you Kyle

Nice job Steve.

Ty James

Hey Steve, I’m very happy to hear that you have been able to move the site over to WA! Now you will be able to use all of our tools that integrate with your website, like SiteContent and our AI author platform!

Thanks for letting us know the site is here safe and sound!

Thanks Carson. 😃

Hi Steve!

That entire experience does not sound like a lot of fun, but with progress, sometimes comes a little pain.

Yes, WordPress is awesome. If you want to learn some great WordPress tricks, EricCantu here in WA has some great shorts you can watch.

Press on, Sir!

Lots of “mental” pain but it’s all good now. Thanks

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