About SteveCrozza
Rank 2095
1,851 followers Joined December 2015
Update: 31 October 2017 Currently we are preparing to move to our retirement home ... Not retiring yet! Our desire to retire in the country is getting





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hey Carson,

Congrats on Site Comment 2 - overall a very fine product, reaping great results.

I have come across one issue which may be "food for thought".

I have seen that message too, I come back a few minutes later and there are again new chances:)

Yep, I have experienced that now. Not a drama, great product

Have been waiting 2 days for another site to comment on so I can finish lesson. Get the same message no site try again in a few minutes.

I have quit it all together

Thanks Loes! I have moved on to finish other lessons. Doing levels 2-5 now due to lengthy absence. Will have all 5 levels done by March 15, 2019.

Success getting this done Derrence

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Discussion of site comment 2.0 - issue with sites to comment on?

Discussion of site comment 2.0 - issue with sites to comment on?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hey Carson,

Congrats on Site Comment 2 - overall a very fine product, reaping great results.

I have come across one issue which may be "food for thought".

I have seen that message too, I come back a few minutes later and there are again new chances:)

Yep, I have experienced that now. Not a drama, great product

Have been waiting 2 days for another site to comment on so I can finish lesson. Get the same message no site try again in a few minutes.

I have quit it all together

Thanks Loes! I have moved on to finish other lessons. Doing levels 2-5 now due to lengthy absence. Will have all 5 levels done by March 15, 2019.

Success getting this done Derrence

See more comments

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