What Should You Do About Coronavirus (CoV)?

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For those who need to be concern about Wuhan Coronavirus (CoV).

The Golden Rule: The FACE is sacred.

  • Do not touch your face.
  • Avoid touching any part of your face prior to washing your hands.
  • Flinging your hair against face will increase the risk of contamination.
  • Handshakes will pass virus when the infected person has touched his nose.
  • Wearing cap will increase the risk of trapping viruses.

What about masks?

  • Generally, 3 ply masks better than 2 ply ones. Wear with the blue side on the outside.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water before wearing masks.
  • Mask protects others from infected wearer and protects wearer from viruses from the outside.
  • N95 masks work but adjusting mask often could increase the risk of infection.

All About Infection

    • Prolonged exposure to infected person increases risk of infection.
    • Virus can stay alive on surfaces for 30 to 60 minutes. Use detergent and water to clean tables.
    • Touching infected surfaces and then face would increase risk of infection.
    • Immediate washing of hands after hand contact reduces risk of infection.
    • Dry your hands when using sanitizers with alcohol.
    • Avoid large crowd such as large exercise classes.
    • Cn2019 can spread even if infected person shows no symptoms.

    Additional Information

    • The current fatality rate of 3-4% is expected to come down.
    • When visiting clinics, ensure you don't touch face and avoid touching anything unnecessarily
    • Avoid seeking medical attention at hospitals for minor colds etc, to avoid overloading healthcare systems.

    Source: Advisory provided by Ministry of Health, Singapore

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    Recent Comments


    Thank you Stanley, it is helpful to read this article. Everyone needs to be careful. I believe the people who traveled from China to their respective countries have been quarantined.

    As a good precaution, it is best to avoid all crowded places, starting any new classes, restaurants, or attending any big events for at least a few weeks in my opinion. By then, the authorities should have a better hold over the situation, cures and even more prevention measures.

    Yes, good to be prepared when you travel. Infectious disease is a global concern today.

    A very informative and current post. Thanks for the info Stanley!

    You are welcome.

    This is good information Stanley although I do think there has been a lot of unnecessary scaremongering going on about this. It is after all just a bad cold.

    I agree with you Dave.

    Stanley's post is very informative. Thank You, Stanley.

    This reminds me of that N1 Virus some years back.

    I think they called it the Bird Flu?

    Taking precautions is a wise move.

    However, I'm very cautious of anything coming out from the media these days...

    Yes, H1N1 is a variant virus from birds. This apparently is from bats. Good to be cautious as this is more contagious than SARS. Of course, preventing the flu from infecting someone in your city is best.

    Good Morning Stanley,

    These are good guidelines one should follow strictly when traveling or living in big cities.
    Up till now when walking on the street I do not see people wearing masks but it might happen one day.
    I hope you are staying safe where you are, take care.

    Greetings from the south of Spain,


    I believe you are OK. You will only get it when someone from the infected area carry it to your city. So, health officers in airports and borders need to be vigilant.

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