How I'm facing my fear head on


So obviously as you all know I'm into horses. Well the one area I don't have much experience is hauling and trailering horses. I by golly can train one very well, but haven't trailered them at all. Now they all have some experience (they had to get to my house) however they don't have any since they got here. Today though in about 30 minutes we are going to be loading them and hauling them to AZ.

I am scared yes, and moving forward in spite of it. We have an experienced horse person that is taking themdown so its not like a rookie is. He even brought his horses up here from Pagosa Springs, CO. Although his horses had experience mine do not.

Isn't this what we are taught. Its OK to be scared but just don't let that hold you back. Well, I'll be on the road! But I will definitely be checking the comments!

Thanks everyone!

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You're proving once again that you can handle anything with your horses, whether it's fun and comfortable or not so much. Your horses are counting on you, too.

Been on the road since 7:30 pacific time on the 28th. Its now 4:15 mountain time on the 29th. 150 miles out of Vegas, and all is well. Horses have been doing fine although I go through worry spells with them lol.

Hey youre back

Doing something new can be scary. But it often isn't as bad as we fear. Hope all goes well. I used to haul things on trailers from time to time but never horses. My husband once hauled a deer that was worth $50,000. Forget the exact amount. He was nervous but all went well.

Yes it is, and follow it with all faith!

Thank you. So heading on from Missoula after changing the fuel filter.

Yes Skyhorse, this is what we are taught and you are handling it just fine. All will be good:)

Thank you. So one of my least favorite horses was kicking my favorite horse. Oh no he didn't! That's not good but he has seemed to settle down now.

Calculated risks are always taken to grow and progress.

Growth today!!

Absolutely awesome! Wow. This will be an epic day for you. Life changing. That is truly a fear to overcome and you're up for the challenge. Do what you do with your horses and I'm sure you know how to calm them. Horses are amazing and I'm envious of your talents, and happy for you. Just remember the saying: Feel the Fear ... and Do It Anyway. Keep us posted on how it went today! Excellent. (By the way, I love Pagosa Springs! Live in New Mexico, Durango etc... in West Michigan now. Miss the west; but adore the Great Lakes). Good luck today.

Thank you very much. Filling up with fuel now. Will keep you posted,

Good luck, it's a brave step. I hope you find that it is actually just fine when you do it. Please let us know how it goes,

Thank you! Will do.

Facing your fears is the stuff life is made of!

Yep! Its how we grow.

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