Life Gets in the Way!


I'm a bit embarassed to say that health issues have slowed me down again. Since I have came back to WA I've had to learn a lot of things over. It's been real slow going. Seems like it's hard for me to learn these days.

I started over going through the Hub training. And I got stuck on the publish and AI post so was going through training videos for that when health issues got me again. I was trying to figure it out last night and I got to the Outlines. It said it would take a minute and I waited and waited and finally gave up and went to bed. Got up the next morning and it still hadn't finished yet I noticed my credits were gone. So I checked it again this morning and there it was. I saved it but I wasn't sure what to do next. So back to the training.

Since the procedure on my back I've been on so much medicine that my brain just doesn't want to work. I shake so bad from the pain and the meds that it's difficult to type. Things I use to know just aren't coming to me like they use to. So I'm going to step back watch some more of the training and try again.

I'm reminded of the rabbit and the turtle. Slow and persistant will eventually get me there. Old isn't for sissies and I can still learn just not as quickly perhaps. Hang in there with me ya all. I'm still at it!

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Hang in there. I posted something similar about a month ago with things I've been struggling with as well.

I can tell you this: one of the things that has helped me get through is the WA community. Everyone here is so supportive and most truly want you to succeed.

If there is anything I can do to help, or if you just need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out.

You got this!

Hi Susan,

I completely feel for you, this ageing chapter is not the best of our lives for many of us, alls we can do is keep trying. I expect its more difficult when you start again, especially with all the upgrades now in place.

Just go at your own pace and work at when you can

Feel better


I am hanging in there with you, Susan. I have slowed down myself. I hope my story helps and gives you a chuckle or two.

I've lost my fine motor skills. These days, I have trouble hitting the correct keys on my keyboard, and my mouse has a mind that clicks on the wrong things. Eating was challenging until I bought some adaptive utensils (fancy words for big-handled fork, spoon, and knife). I also developed brain fog in the spring as a result of a newly prescribed medication from my neurologist that did not play well with my other meds. In addition to or as part of the brain fog, I lost my perception of time and "space out." For example, there were several instances of washing my hands and turning to reach for a towel, finding my hands already dry. I was "spacing out," daydreaming, between the time I turned the spigot off and reaching for the towel.

Late May, after being awake for 48+ hours, I fell and fractured a vertebra in my lower back while on the way to bed at 4:30 AM.

I never made it to my bed. I woke up on the closet floor. After spending an hour trying to get up alone, I called my stepson, who lives with us, to help me get up. (I had this notion that if I could not get up from the floor without help, I should live in an assisted-living facility.) He called his mom, who was on her first-ever camping trip with two other kids. They were camping in West Virginia out of cell phone service. So, it took a bit of time to get the message. I called 9-1-1 and was still talking when the first fire truck and ambulance arrived, followed by several others. Both the county and local fire departments had responded. The ER doctor cleared me to go home at 3 AM with a brace and instructions to see a specialist. Since no one responded to give me a ride home, I got a ride from an off-duty ambulance at 4 AM. My wife got the message and cut her camping trip short by a day, arriving that afternoon. She took all my meds except my high blood pressure and heart meds.

The brain fog lifted and has not returned. My back healed. And I was back on one Parkinson's medication when slight tremors started.

I don't mind being slow as long as it is steady and I am making progress and learning.

Best of health to you and success on your WA journey.


Sending you healing thoughts. Stick with it. Even if you are slow going and must do things more than once, keep going. I have my good and bad days. This week has been really good for me, so I am getting a lot accomplished while I can. I had to stop being so active here on the forum because it was eating all my time, and my actual work was slipping. I am concentrating on doing a step at a time and I now have my new site set up and active with 11 articles done, and more outlined. I am slow, but I keep going.

Best of luck to you.


You are very brave


Sending you much ❤️

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