A Climate Change Rant


I posted the following rant on Australia's Channel 7' Facebook page because they featured a biased report about Climate Change and I hate distorted reporting!

Watch the TV stations trot out the climate change "experts" who will inform us that ,we , the people are causing climate change and we must reduce our carbon emissions.First of all there is no such thing as a "carbon emission" it is CARBON DIOXIDE emissions!

Okay if we are causing climate change through our CO2 exhaust emissions why are we not all riding cars that run on WATER OR HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS.

I don't see any of these "CC experts'' taking the oil companies and the car manufacturers to task about not producing cars that run on H2O or H (the science is there!)but no!, it is always the man in the street who is to blame!

The only group benefitting from the Carbon Emission SCAM are the ROTHSCHILD BANKING FAMILY - who control the RESERVE BANKS IN 146 COUNTRIES INCLUDING AUSTRALIA!

I don't like pollution either but I don't believe we are influencing the weather with our CO2 exhaust emissions!

NASA's Langley Research Center has collated data proving that "greenhouse gases "actually block up to 95% of harmful solar rays from reaching our planet",thus REDUCING THE HEATING IMPACT OF THE SUN!

Source:http://pricipia-scientific.org/supportnews/latest-news/163-new-discovery-nasa-study-proves-carbon-dioxide-cools-atmosphere.htmlAustralian TV(and most of the worlds news media) is controlled by the Murdoch disinformation empire so they will push the man made climate change scam!



I can tell you that there is a climate change happening with online business and that wind of change blowing is called Wealthy Affiliates!

WA is changing the way people view online business.Most people think of scams when online business is mentioned , but WA is fast dispelling that impression judging by the wave of new members joining!

'Nuff Said!

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I am just sick and tired of BS in newspapers,on TV and on radio!That is why I like WA no BS!

Yes, it is us little people who are the blame for all of the worlds problems! LOL

Nice to see an awake being ;-)

Spot on Anthony! :-)

I quite agree with you, I do not believe in that climate change stuff,, though happy for the climate change on WA thanks for sharing

Well Scorpio....I sure hope the weather shifts for the better in my area of the world. Today is supposed to be the first day of spring, and we have still been receiving single digit temps. I have noticed a huge difference in the weather in recent years. It hasn't been favorable.

Yae, sometimes we have to work on changing believes after being lied to for years.

good parallel/analogy- shift only happens when a push is applied. Andy

Well said! Someone has to take the blame, and who better than Joe soap who believes everything the scientists want us to believe! WA is a breath of fresh air amongst the 'carbon' emissions! Lydia.

Before WA, the "experts" were saying blogging was dead. I love blogging. I love WA!

My definition of an climate change expert is the following: an "ex" is a has been and a spurt is a drip under pressure.....

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