From 5 visitors to 400 visitors per day!


Hi there my friend!

It's again time for the monthly update. You can read the last one here:

August was a highly interesting month. Here are some highlights:

  • It was probably the laziest month after October 2016. STILL SOMETHING GREAT HAPPENED...
  • I tripled my record on WA sales
  • The traffic on grew more than 50%
  • The traffic on almost doubled! :O
  • I earned money from two language learning programs that I didn't expect earning anything yet.

Thoughts about Growth

Affiliate marketing is really interesting and great. Even though I was lazy I totally beat my old records. I have written only 1 article on LAE during the last 2 months and the traffic still doubled. Wow!

(Of course the traffic isn't very high yet but I was still surprised to see such growth because before it has been only max.30% per month even though I've been publishing 2 articles per week.)

Then last year in August I was driving only 5-10 daily visitors to YOR. Now I am getting on average more than 400 visitors per day and I'm quite sure I'll reach 1,000 unique visitors per day in November (or absolute latest in December).

Now my goal is to make 100 sales between September and December to reach Vegas. Only 98 to go!

Probably the reason for my laziness in August was that I didn't have crystal clear goals. Now it needs to change.

Goals for September:

  1. Publish 2 articles per day on average to YOR minimum 1,500 words per day. (60 articles in total.)
  2. Publish 20 YouTube videos.
  3. Make enough sales to reach 100 sales by the end of this year. (Means on average WA 25 sales per month during September-December.)
  4. Make new friends in DNX-conference so you build a network with people around the world. Change contact details with many people and be interested in their life and business. In the next week I will go to a digital nomad conference DNX to Lisbon. Will anyone in Wealthy Affiliate come there as well? If yes, I would love to meet you there.
  5. Exercise at least 5 times per week. This will help to boost productivity.

What kind of goals do you have for September? Do you think I'll make it to Vegas? Will you join me?

Let's discuss in the comments below!

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Recent Comments


Awesome goals and congrats on your growth. Well done! Look forward to seeing more success stories from you :)


I just started my affiliate site, so it might be next year before I get to Vegas. Jim

Very good. Very encouraging to the rest of us

Nice, how old is your revenue website?

created on Nov 26, 2015. I had a pause of 6 months when I published only a few posts. I was close to give up. Nowadays I'm publishing new content daily and I'm quite excited ;)

My goal is to improve my skill set.

You're fantastic. Great stats! Thanks for sharing and all the best,

You are learning and improving, that is most important. You are doing really well!

Glad to see you back in the game swinging Roope. Those are impressive success driving stats!

My goals for September is to increase my $1 referrals to 150 and see what happens.

Sounds big! I guess you'll make it to Vegas?

Just have to see, one month at a time.

How long since you started? I have 5 readers sometimes 0. Do you think it will improve as time passes

I started WA more than 2 years ago. The traffic will grow for sure over the time course when you keep on adding new content.

Write at least 50 articles and then see how your traffic will grow. Of course, ask lots of tips inside the community from experienced affiliate marketers.

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