Words & Phrases For Ads and Content Writing
Hello People. Here are a load of words and phrases I found from various sources on the internet. I use quite a lot of them on a regular basis and it wont do your marketing efforts any harm to use some or all of them for yours.
Add punch to describe your product, service or sales offer. Use one of the following words. It may be helpful on its own or combined with other words.
Absolutely. Amazing. Approved. Attractive. Authentic. Bargain. Beautiful. Better. Big. Colorful. Colossal. Complete. Confidential. Crammed. Delivered. Direct. Discount. Easily. Endorsed. Enormous. Excellent. Exciting. Exclusive. Expert. Famous. Fascinating. Fortune. Full. Genuine. Gift. Gigantic. Greatest. Guaranteed. Helpful. Highest. Huge. Immediately. Improved..Informative. Instructive. Interesting. Largest. Latest. Lavishly. Liberal. Lifetime. Limited. Lowest. Magic. Mammoth. Miracle. Noted. Odd. Outstanding. Personalized. Popular. Powerful. Practical. Professional. Profitable. Profusely. Proven. Quality. Quickly. Rare. Reduced. Refundable. Remarkable. Reliable. Revealing. Revolutionary. Scarce. Secrets. Security. Selected. Sensational. Simplified. Sizable. Special. Startling. Strange. Strong. Sturdy. Successful. Superior. Surprise. Terrific. Tested. Tremendous. Unconditional. Unique. Unlimited. Unparalleled. Unsurpassed. Unusual. Useful. Valuable. Wealth. Weird. Wonderful.
Phrases For Call To Action
Close your Ad, Article or Blog with an action-getting phrase.Give the reader something to write or do.Here are suggestions for ways to get action.Look them over carefully because they will help you compose your content for better results.
Act now! Send your name. All sent free to introduce. Amazing literature. Free. Ask for free folder. Bargain lists sent free. Be first to qualify. Booklet free! Catalog included free. Complete details free. Current list free. Dealers write for prices. Description sent free. Details free! Dime brings details. Everything supplied!. Exciting details free. Extra for promptness. First lesson, 25 cents. Folder free! For literature, write: Free booklet explains. Free plans tell how. Free selling kit. Free wholesale plan. Free with approvals. Full particulars free. Get facts that help. Get started today! Get your copy now! Get yours wholesale. Gifts with purchases. Illustrated lists free. Interesting details free. Investigate today. It's Free! Act Now! Literature free. Mail material to:. Money making facts free. No obligation! Write! Offer limited! Send today. Only 10 cents to introduce. Order direct from. Order Now! Don't Delay! Particulars free. Postcard brings details. Request free literature. Revealing booklet free. Rushname for details. Sales kit furnished. Sample details free. Samples sent on trial See before you buy. Send for free details. Send for it today. Send no money. Send post card today. Send 15 cents for mailing. Send today. Send your want lists. Stamp brings details. Stamped envelope brings. Test lesson free. Unique sample offer. Valuable details free. Write for free booklet. Write us first! Yours for the asking. 15 cent stamp for details. $1 brings complete 32-pge catalog free
Threatening Spelling Words - Their "Threat" to You
occasion. recommend. occurred. principal. equipped. accommodate. disappoint. possession. privilege. proceed. inconvenience. accept. business. necessary. personal. receive. reference. separate. their. whether. questionnaire. criticism. description. effect. extension. judgment. quantity. similar. undoubtedly. height. immediately. stationery. foreign. fourth. government. omitted. weather. personnel. existence analysis. across. appearance. loose. pamphlet. practical. preferred. unnecessary. affect. attendance. incidentally. apparent. calendar. professor. strictly. principle. already. coming. its. oblige. opportunity. original paid. probably. referring. referred. there. too. writing. among. arrangement. practically. convenient. canceled. really. using. beginning. especially. volume. committee. confident. difference. endeavor. explanation. except. sincerely. experience. benefited. conscientious. eligible. acquaintance. controversy. exceed. laboratory. omission. procedure. acknowledgment. Wednesday. guarantee. February. schedule.
The Key is to combine your words.For example:
"THE MAGIC MAMMOUTH MIRACLE" - "The Three "M" Program".
This has already caught the attention and interest of your prospect!
Now, for example, say: The Money Making Facts are FREE!
Fill in with a few pertinent details and you have a tremendous Pulling Ad.
Use your own Ideas, but build them around these words and phrases!Remember, your follow-up must be just as interesting to get the orders.
How many of you spotted the non-deliberate mistake?
The misspelling of Mammoth (Mammouth)... well it's correct either way - the "ou" is used by people such as myself who are British, the same as we spell colour or favour.
Keep this blog handy for reference because poor spelling and grammar will be spotted by the search engines, and you can always find a use for eye catching words and phrases as possible great keywords and as Article/blog Headings.
Have a great weekend folks and leave a comment with any observations of your own you would like to share.
Robert Allan
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Recent Comments
Thanks again Robert, lots of words and phrases. I've bookmarked this page. Thank you!
Hello Ray and thank you for your comment.
Yes definitely one to refer back to now and again.
Enjoy your weekend.
Definitely an article to keep for reference. Well done with another little gem Robert! Hope you are keeping well :-)
Lorna and how is one of my fav members getting on?
Well I hope and keeping her head down and going at it hammer and tongs another good phrase or saying lol.
Thank you for your comment and enjoy your weekend over there in Ireland.
Hello there Robert! Working very hard these days...not online unfortunately...I'm getting my new home together and it is taking all my time and finances.
But all is very good thankfully and hope when things settle down I will find more time for WA.
I only get the chance to log on occasionally but your blogs are always my first to save for the time when I get the chance to work on my sites again...
Many thanks again for your excellent help and advice...
With all good wishes..... :-)
Ok Lorna and hope things work out for you with your new home.
Enjoy your weekend as well.
Hi, Robert, I love the "misunderstood words and phrases"!
So many errors but we are willing to learn. Thank you, have a wonderful weekend!
Hello cristina and glad you liked it.
Thank you for taking the time to read the blog and for your comment.
I remember a song from years ago called -
Please don't let me be misunderstood.
I'm afraid a lot of members will be because of poor grammar and spelling lol
Enjoy your weekend.
Hello Robbin and its time someone made it clear that poor grammar and spelling is not acceptable.
Those other words and phrases are important if you want to grab people's attention.
Thank you for your comment and enjoy your Saturday.
Hats off to you Robert! Again a great and useful post which is in my bookmarked section. Thanks for taking time out to help people and hope you have a fab weekend :)
Hello Jude and as usual you are the first or one of the first.
You would be amazed just how many sites I browse for the WA members and the spelling and grammar are terrible and words and phrases are used that are totally irrelevant because they mean something else.
Hopes this helps them out and like you they will bookmark it and refer to it often.
Thank you for your comment and you have a great weekend as well.
I'm off out for the day now as its glorious outside for a change.
My kids have always called me the grammar police lol as bad spelling or incorrect word usage really grate on me. I click away from a website if it looks as though they don't use correct English! The sun is shining in Staffordshire (at the moment,) so may just join you in going out for the day!
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This is GREAT Robert. Thanks for posting it.
Hello Joy. Just sorry I can't pout it in big print for you but I'm sure you will manage ok if you copy and paste the text into a blank page.
Thank you for your comment and enjoy your weekend.