A Swift Kick in the Butt

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Apparently that's just what I needed to get up and get moving with a whole lot more purpose.

Knowing where you want to be is wonderful but it all counts for naught if you don't take any purposeful action towards getting there.

What's your Purpose for Being here at WA?

The Oxford Dictionary defines purpose as:

  • the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists
  • a person's sense of resolve or determination
  • having as one's intention or objective

A swift kick in the rear, helped me to realise that so far I was merely having fun here at WA. Yes I enjoyed everything I was learning and I was putting some of that learning into action.

I had a general end goal in mind but I was operating without a definite sense of purpose.

In truth and fact the end goal was really quite vague. I wanted to be successful and make money. But how exactly did my actions here on a daily basis fit into completing the puzzle of me achieving my goal.

Having a Plan is Important

I needed a proper plan. Why? Because planning is the process of thinking about what needs to get done to achieve the desired outcome.

It's your blueprint for success. Without a plan you're like a boat out at sea without an engine or sails, hoping to get to shore.

The thing is, we innately know that plans are necessary. That's why we never hop into a plane and try to take off; or prepare to cook a gourmet meal when we're not even sure how to boil water.

We know that we have to climb that staircase one or even two steps at a time before we get to the top. Each rung on the ladder of success teaches us a valuable lesson that we need in order to take a step further.

2021 Goals

To ring in the New Year, WA members have been posting about their objectives, ideas and goals over the next 12 months.

Some listed their plans in complete detail, others gave overviews of how 2020 stacked up against that year's plan, while some shared ideas on how they went about setting their annual goals.

It was during reading one of these articles that my light bulb went off. I realised that I was the rudderless ship out at sea. I knew where I wanted to be and the ocean was bouncing me around, completing task after task. But at the end of the day I still had no clear sight of my promised land.

Ouch! That swift kick in the butt really hurt. For a moment I felt like I wasted the past two months here at WA. But those moments never last for long with me. I see sunshine and butterflies no matter what the circumstances.

Two things quickly came to mind though. Firstly, I realised i felt the true power of the WA Community at work.

This platform gives us the opportunity for self reflection and self assessment since members are so willing to share their experiences and plans openly.

Secondly, I remember that everyone's journey is different and my path to success will not be the same as yours. Everything will work out for me in my perfect timing, so no need to judge myself against anyone one else.

My Success is Guaranteed

I know this for certain. I have no doubt in my mind and my vision for success at WA is clear. A perfect road map has been provided for me to set the foundation. It is now up to me to complete the plan, month by month, week by week and day by day to achieve the end result.

It doesn't matter where you're at right now. You're able to get from here to anywhere you want to be.

Continue to reach for the stars my WA family. I surely intend to grab a few!

Stay blessed


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Recent Comments


Hi Roberta. A great post.
Many find that ‘finding their why’ is a challenge.
Here is a post outlining one way that some might find useful: Richard

Hey Richard thanks for taking the time to read my post. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'm even more thrilled that you shared some information that I can use.

Thanks again and do have a great day.


Hi Roberta.
Paul Minsdra here from Canada,

I am a former offline entrepreneur.
I came to Wealthy Affiliate as many have landed here.

I gave myself a 10-year proposal online to be as successful as I was offline.

Things are awesome going into year five.

I trust that you understand.

Thank you for posting.


Thanks Paul. I get your message loud and clear. Thanks for sharing that.


Peace and love, Roberta.
It takes time to become great. Persistence is the key.
Take great care moving forward.


Hi Roberta. Thank you for sharing a great post. With your kind of attitude success is definitely guaranteed.
Keep going.

Thanks for the support Thokozile. I can always count on you for a "pick me up" anytime.


Good one Roberta!
Success is not getting what you want but wanting what you get.!
I find if I read other success stories I get motivated.
Some people follow other peoples success stories and follow their road to success to the T and find success.
I think in this business you don't have to have a lot of qualities required or wanted by purchasers to make a sale.
For example about 2 yrs ago a friend of mine hired a realtor to sell her home because she said he had such a nice suit 🤔?
We don't have to worry about that unless we have a fitness niche then a good looking body may definitely help😁
Whenever someone talks about a plan and a goal I always remember this realtor i met in the early 70's.
I had just started and this man was just in the business for about a few years and I noticed quite a few of his signs all over the area.
When I met this guy he was so friendly and up beat, I said I was so glad to meet him and finally meet the man who was selling so many homes in the area.
I had to ask how are you getting all your listings? There is a saying in the business if you don't list you don't last!
He said I make x amount of phone calls a day to get x amount of appts
He would make around 50 calls a day or more if the business was slow or not. Needless to say I was impressed but I could see he had zest or ambition in him that was very noticeable but still very polite.
I said that's great!
Then he said something that really got me ! He said oh ya I'am not going to do this forever I'am giving myself 5 more yrs and then I am going to retire on my own island and build a solar home there with a sailboat and enough money to retire.
Well ok🤔 I thought boy this guys really ambitious and I wished him all the best.
About 4 1/2 yrs later I bumped into this guy and he was as enthusiastic as the last time I saw him.
I said hey I remember you how's everything, I still see a lot of your signs around.
He replied with a smile you won't see them after about 6 months from now, I'am retiring.
I said really why you going to live on an island ha ha. He said yes! I have also just about finished my solar home and I'am looking at some sailboats next week and I've been investing into some good investments over the last 7 or 8 yrs so I will be retiring in 6 months and living my dream.
It's been many years ago I forget his name but I think he was about 35 yrs old or less .
I know of a few more people like that but they still work cause their jobs are fun and they wouldn't want to do anything else.
There was another friend who invented elevator advertising and he's in his early 70's lives in a downtown apt bldg with a large nest egg and likes to ride his bike to keep in shape.
These are some of the things that motivate me and you have to really love what you are doing and desire is a big part and visualize what you want and you will eventually get it weather it's money or a healthy body etc and Roberta I think you can do it because the way to overcome a problem is to first realize you have one 😁👌
Go get them!!!

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. It always gives me extra motivation when you hear real stories about real people. At the end of the day you just have to keep that end goal in mind and ensure every move you make gets you closer.

Just as you said it's also import really love what you do. Thankfully I can say yes to that one hands down.

Thanks again for sharing John I really enjoyed reading it.


I'am so glad u liked it ! I hope it helped.

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