Making Money at WA!

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This post is dedicated to the WA Community and all the support I received since joining last November. Who would have thought that within a few short months I would start to see the financial benefits of this endeavour? Well I for one sure did!


The renowned motivational speaker, Wayne W. Dyer wrote a book entitled "You'll See It When You Believe It". Well to be honest my vision was a little fuzzy and first but while completing level 1 of the training program things started to be come quite clear.

They became even clearer when I immersed myself in the community and interacted with you fine folks. I was able to learn so much and gain so much insight from your myriad experiences.

In was then and there that my vision for success here at WA became "as clear as day". The light at the end of the tunnel was so bright there was no way I planned to get lost.


That laser vision didn't mean the journey was easy though. It took grit and determination to learn as much as I could and to put this learning into action.

Apart from scrolling Facebook and IG, the background operations of the online world was completely new to me. In fact I didn't consider myself tech savvy at all.

So you can imagine how I strut about like a peacock now discussing website development, SEO

optimization, google analytics and the likes.

Now, by no means am I an expert, but I have learned enough to start reaping the rewards of success in the world of online entrepreneurship.


There will always be new things to learn. There will always be obstacles to overcome. There will be triumphs and there will be challenges.

These things happen because Success is not a destination but a Journey. A Journey which allows us to learn and grow and continuously expand our horizons. What we can achieve is only limited by our imagination.

So let's continue to dream big WA Family and continue reaching for each new goal we set. Always remember our journey will never be complete.

Each new success brings us to another starting point, another twist or turn where we start another process of learning and creating new experiences.

So What Do You Think?

So like Wayne Dyer said, "You'll See It, When You Believe It". I believe that my success here at WA is guaranteed. I believe it so much that I decided to post this "Congrautlations" Blog in anticipation of things to come. Yeah ... the money isn't actually here yet but I'm seeing it.

I hope you're seeing wonderful things ahead for yourself as well.

Stay blessed WA Community.


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Hi Roberta,

Great post! Thanks for sharing your experiences along your journey! Much success to you! I Have some of Dyer's books but not the one you mentioned. I will have to get that one. indeed, he was a great motivational speaker.

Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Thanks for your support and I wish you all the best as well. I never actually read any of Wayne Dyer's books. I have only listened to you tube videos and read snippets of his content here and there. But I do enjoy his perspective very much.

Stay blessed

"was then and there that my vision for success here at WA became "as clear as day" - WA has been a resoundingly good resource after signing up and am glad I did, especially the community and the support. Am for sure seeing good things ahead, lets all stay alive to enjoy the good things we see ahead

We should all focus on only seeing good things ahead.

Wishing you all the best my friend

I really like your post because the terms you describe are relative. For example, my idea of determination is different from anyone else's. I think you are right about success.

I love me some Wayne Dyer, good on you. God rest him :(

I really appreciate his perspective on life.

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