Commenting BACK On Social Media


Hi there. I know many of us post on social media and oftentimes wait and hope for someone to do two things:

  1. Comment (and like or +)
  2. Click through to our website (buy)

Let's talk about the first one. If someone comments on your social media post are you commenting BACK or are you hitting "like" or "+"? I've been watching this lately and notice that there aren't as many comments back to the person who took the time to leave you a comment...even if it's on social media.

Just like we learn to engage here at WA and on our websites, I think we should be engaging with people when they leave us a comment in one of our social networks. In fact, sometimes what I like to do is to leave the author a question, that seems to compel them to respond. And then I respond back.

I think this also goes to how we post and even if we're asking for comments or leaving opportunity for questions. And we then respond.

What do you think? What do you do when someone leaves you a comment? I like being liked but I also like when someone talks to me...that's a plus!

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On the button Rick. We humans are very adaptable. Even though the social sites are not direct handshaking, the actual reason we go there is to make contact of the social sort. Such as making a comment and being Responded to. It does matter. to let someone know they were heard and noticed.

We all like to be heard and noticed and we like to offer our thoughts. So I agree, if you post something take the time to respond when someone is talking. Thanks.

Social media is just what it says. Nobody cares about others just themselves. This i why I avoid them all.Waste of time!!

I think a lot of us skim and don't really read. I'm enjoying some Facebook groups I've joined. We have common interests and often talk back and forth. One of them resulted in a couple of my poems getting published on a major poetry website. But yeah, I agree, it's mostly about selling something, too.

I "like" and comment back because I like it when the person comments so I want to be sure and acknowledge that. :)

I agree. They took the time to comment and I know I always read when someone comments. Thanks.

Thank you. It's good to learn about commenting. :)

I always "like" & also comment back.

I think that's important and I know I like it when people do that on my social media posts. Thanks for commenting.

I try to always make sure I "LIKE" here as well as in social media. It's just as a courtesy to let the person know that I've read what they said. On social media, it depends on what the comment is. Here I at least say thank you or you're welcome or whatever....

You're right and I like to like and plus just to let people know I read it, I liked it, and for them to keep going. I know it means so much to each of us. Thanks for your comment.

YOU are the Man Rick...
Simple appreciation in social networking is SO important.

Etiquette & simple country manners is a dying 'art'.

Also Anybody who posts here should honor those who comment on their posts with a response.

We are all busy folks here, personally I treat my posts visitors like I do my home visitors...With respect.
(-: Jon

That's what I try to do, respond to comments here (like I am now:) But I also want to engage in social. I've been challenging myself more often to try and probe, send questions, get a discussion going. It works quite often and...I think people are surprised that I want to talk to them.

We have visited on FB Rick.
I know it's been a while, but I really don't care much for FB. So I don't socialize there, I've found a much better platform for that.

WA is my Home.

I love the place & I love my friends here, I just really don't have the time currently to blog here.

To do it properly, like you're doing, it takes most of a day.

So I 'lurk & like' and comment on posts that have meaning here. Well done Rick.
(-: Jon

This is a great reminder! I usually respond to comments but I am still remembering to hit the like! I'll get better! Practice makes perfect, lol!

It's so easy to hit like and plus but I would think that comments back and forth will perk Google's ears up.

I think you are probably right! )

Right on Rick... it's those comments that can inspire others to respond. Likes are nice but comments are invaluable! Sure do hope a lot of people are reading this one!!! Thank ya', bud!!!

I'm trying to get better at talking to people online. I've had some where we've replied to each other 5 or more times. It's like "WA" out there. Thanks and I hope your new idea is developing for you.

I so totally agree with you, Rick. I thinks its quite unpolite not to like a comment to your question, your statement (of course only if you agree) or whatever you where posting... Even here in WA, the algorithm for evaluating our rankings within WA awards likes you get, that one more shows the importance of acknowledging anything with a simple and very quick (and much appreciated) LIKE.

Great point ;o)
Cheers, Kay

I think we need to put "social" back in social media.

Yeah, totally, Rick! ;o)

You're absolutely right ... I am sometimes guilty of this ... promise to do better! M

I'm with you on that. Sometimes hitting "like" is just easier.

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